Selectmen’s Agenda 01.26.15

Selectmen’s Meeting


January 26, 2015


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call –




  1. Town Hall Building Committee – RFP for selective demolition
  2. Fire Dept regarding land behind the fire station

Regular Business

  1. Personnel manual waiver for use of sick time
  2. Location for town meeting. School or Hwy sheds
  3. Abatement and Current use for signature.
  4. SRTS draft reports
  5. Order of Warrant Articles & Continue the warrant article review.
  6. Road Agent’s report on cost to repair Class V seasonal portion of Forrest St.
  7. Rainy day fund under what line item?
  8. Rate information for Town Hall Bond
  9. Non public to discuss personnel (RSA91A:3IIa) and property negotiations (RSA 91A:3IId)


Pending issues:

  1. Auto Craft pictures rec’d – report received and forwarded to attorney



Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature

Review minutes of last meeting