Selectmen’s Agenda 03.14.22

ZOOM link can be found here

Roll Call:

Review Minutes of the February 21st meeting


  1. Tim Blagden – Road Race update
  2. Lois Kilnapp – Transfer Station
  3. Steve Hall – Highway

Public Input:

Regular and Old Business:

  1. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature
  2. COVID Protocol update
  3. Fire Chief contract
  4. Wage Increases

New Business:

  1. Meeting Schedule
  2. Town Meeting Debrief
  3. Bond Counsel Agreement
  4. Bees in the Bog – Conservation Commission
  5. Bement Bridge Close-out Docs
  6. Accept Donation for Scholarship Fund
  7. Sign IamResponding Contract
  8. Sign TAN note

Upcoming meeting:      March 28, 2022??