Selectmen’s Agenda 04.06.15

Selectmen’s Meeting


April 6, 2015


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call –


Non Public Meeting – 5:00 pm Non Public Session per RSA 91:A:3-IIa Personnel




  1. Town Hall Restoration Committee reorganization
  2. Fire Dept – chassis contract for signature
  3. Jane Johnsen

Regular Business

  1. Progress on the town hall move. –
  2. Letter to be read to record from Peter Fenton
  3. Engagement letter with Grzelak CPA firm
  4. Abatements for signature
  5. Current Use Application for signature
  6. Intent to excavate for signature
  7. Easement for signature
  8. Status of Reval – beginning in JunePending issues: Review minutes of last meeting
  9. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature