Selectmen’s Agenda 07.26.21

ZOOM instructions can be found here

Roll Call:                                             


  1. Sal Magistro – Masonic Building
  2. Highway – crosswalks

Public Input:

Regular and Old Business:

  1. Review Minutes of the July 12th meeting
  2. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature
  3. Noise Ordinance
  4. Cressy Road
  5. Review Expenses YTD
  6. Police Dept – engine in black cruiser
  7. CIP – any projects to consider for 2022

New Business:

  1. Concern About Expanding Business on Blaisdell Hill Road
  2. Sign Campsite Abatements

Non-Public Session      per RSA 91-A:3II  (c) & (l)

Upcoming meeting:      August 9, 2021