Selectmen’s Agenda 07.29.19

12:00-5:30 pm            Screen Final Candidates for Fire Chief (non-public at 1:00 per RSA 91-A:3II(a)  personnel)

7:00 pm                      Regular Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call


Mike Tardiff – Central New Hampshire Regional Planning

Claire James – Schoolhouse on Dunfield Road

Public Input:

Regular Business:

  1. Review Minutes of the July 15th meeting
  2. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature
  3. Highway – Overtime, Culverts
  4. Town Hall Update
  5. Masonic Hall – propane
  6. Independence Day Appreciation
  7. Sign Driveway Permit Map 6 Lot 84-7
  8. Sign Intent to Cut Map 13 Lots 20 & 30
  9. Sign Letter for Lake Todd Village Association
  10. Sign Exemption Recommendation
  11. Sign PA-28 Inventory of Taxable Property

Other Business:

Pending Issues and Topics for Future Meetings:

  1. Policies
  2. Contracts

Upcoming meetings:   August 12, 2019

                                    August 26, 2019