Selectmen’s Agenda 08.09.21

ZOOM instructions can be found here

Roll Call:                                             


  1. Cressy Road Concern – Rich and Cathie Mozzetta
  2. Food Pantry – Sandra Wright
  3. 340 Fairgrounds – Michael Malecha, tax warrant
  4. Highway Dept – Steve Hall
  5. CIP Committee (6:30)

Public Input:

Regular and Old Business:

  1. Review Minutes of the July 26th meeting
  2. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature
  3. Code Enforcement follow up on Blaisdell Hill Road
  4. Complaint/Concern form; Format of complaints
  5. Town Organizational Chart – flow of information

New Business:

  1. Zoning Complaint Form – Bradford Fish and Game
  2. Letter Requesting Assistance
  3. Fuel Bids
  4. Depreciation of Town Vehicles
  5. Sign Driveway Permit Application Map 7 Lot 69
  6. Sign Intents to Cut (2) Map 10 Lot 10 and Map 12 Lot 7
  7. Sign Land Use Change Tax Warrant Map 10 Lot 12
  8. Sign Campground Abatement Recommendations (6)
  9. Sign Warner River Nomination form
  10. Sign Application for Reimbursement – Low State Forest
  11. Review and Sign Energy Improvement Contract for Library

Non-Public Session      per RSA 91-A:3II  (c)

Upcoming meeting:      August 23, 2021