Selectmen’s Agenda 08.12.19

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:


  1. Carol Meise – Old Mountain Road
  2. Bob Bean – cell service

Public Input:

Regular Business:

  1. Review Minutes of the July 29th meeting
  2. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature
  3. Parks & Rec Accounts
  4. Highway – culverts, mold
  5. Freyler’s Driving School lease
  6. Fuel Bid Update
  7. July Expenses
  8. CIP Project Forms
  9. Town Hall Update
  10. Fire Dept/Masonic Hall Property
  11. Two half houses across from the PO
  12. Selectmen’s Quarterly Update for Bridge
  13. Community Center Repairs
  14. Dog Complaint
  15. Fire Dept Generator Maintenance Agreement
  16. Accept Scholarship Fund Donations
  17. Sign Temporary Easement Agreement – Bement Bridge
  18. Sign Parks and Rec appointment
  19. Sign Abatement for Map 11 Lot 76, Sites 27 and 43

Pending Issues and Topics for Future Meetings:

Non-Public Session     per RSA 91A-A:3II (a) & (c) personnel & reputation

Upcoming meetings:   August 26, 2019

                                    September 9, 2019