Selectmen’s Agenda 08.14.23

Roll Call:

Review Minutes of July 24, 2023


  1. Tracey Moore
  2. Jeff Earls – Assessor
  3. Erica Gross – Tax Collector
  4. Marilyn Goldberg – Treasurer
  5. Kris Foss – Masonic Building Committee
  6. Ed Shaughnessy – Police Department Update
  7. Bryan Nowell – Fire Department Update
  8. Steve Hall – Road Agent
  9. Lois Kilnapp – Transfer Station

Public Input:

Regular and Old Business:

  1. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature
  2. Town Hall Update
  3. Follow up on Board Goals
  4. Henniker Rescue Contract update

New Business:

  1. Building Permit Approval Process
  2. Follow up on 2nd Floor Town Hall
  3. CIP Projects
  4. Center Meetinghouse Mowing
  5. Fuel Bids
  6. PSNH – Expert for Assessment Appeal
  7. Review Raffle Permit – date change
  8. Sign Personnel Action Form
  9. Sign Driveway Permit Map 4 Lot 21
  10. Sign Gravel Tax Warrant Map 7 Lot 26

Upcoming meetings:     August 28, 2023

                                    September 11, 2023