Selectmen’s Agenda 01.27.14

Selectmen’s Meeting


January 27, 2014


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call –




1. Fire and Rescue to discuss the budget


Regular Business:

1. Letter from Historic Society re thank you to Hwy.

2. Assessing contract for signature

3. Resigning generator grant contract

4. Need to start work on Solid Waste Contract.

5. Provan and Lorber contract for Naughton testing

6. Bond hearing date – do we need a second date?

7. Repair issues at town hall – furnace, front door lock etc.

8. Where to pay Town Hall renovation bills from – currently no line item in budget

a. Scully Architects

b. Bruss

9. Meeting tomorrow afternoon with fire, police and emergency mgt re EOC requirements.

10. Warrant article (milfoil, c/r for fire and number for bond article) changes and budget changes for town hall

Pending issues:

1. Who is reserving the date for fireworks? Amount to be spent



Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature

Review and accept Minutes