Selectmen’s Agenda 10.25.21

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Roll Call:

Review Minutes of the October 5th meeting


  1. CIP Presentation with Budget Committee
  2. Jim Raymond – Interim Fire Chief

Public Input:

Regular and Old Business:

  1. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature
  2. COVID Protocol update
  3. CAP Congregate Meals and Refrigerator
  4. Sale of Town Property
  5. Flag Follow up

New Business:

  1. Grazing cows – Map 6 Lot 17 and Map 6 Lot 48
  2. Road Paving Concerns
  3. Request to Use Porch of Masonic Lodge
  4. Town Hall bond refinance
  5. Review Expenses (if time)
  6. Accept Funds from Cooking Competition for Scholarship Fund
  7. Sign Capitol Alarm Agreement for Town Hall
  8. Sign Health Trust Agreement
  9. Sign Land Use Change Tax Map 4 Lot 24
  10. Sign Solar Exemption Map 7 Lot 52
  11. Sign Intent to Cut Map 7 Lot 53

Non-Public Session      per RSA 91-A:3II  (c)

Upcoming meeting:      November 8, 2021