Selectmen’s Agenda 12.12.22

5:00 PM Non-Public Session      per RSA 91-A:3II  (a)          

6:00 PM Pledge of Allegiance:

Roll Call:

Review Minutes


  1. Kathleen Bigford – Energy Committee
  2. Charlie Trowbridge – Veteran’s Credits
  3. Bryan Nowell – Fire Chief
  4. Devin Pendleton – Parks & Recreation

Public Input:

Regular and Old Business:

  1. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature
  2. BACC Generator Update
  3. Town Hall Update
  4. Review Budget/Expenses

New Business:

  1. Appointment for Economic Development Committee
  2. Sign Sanders Searches Agreement
  3. Sign HealthTrust documents
  4. Sign Economic Development Committee appointment
  5. Sign Tax Deed for repurchased property
  6. Meeting on December 26th Holiday?