Selectmen’s Agenda 08.16.11


August 16. 2011

Selectmen’s Meeting


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call



1. Chris Frey – sale of town property

2. Marlene Freyler

3. Marilyn Gordon re paypal transactions


Regular Business:

1. Accounts payable and payroll manifest for review

2. Review of Bement Bridge issues –

a. Award roof replacement project to Weathercheck?

b. Repair of roadway approach?

3. Town hall estimated heating repairs – review of meeting with ETAP and CNHRPC’s Vanessa Goold

4. Vacation schedules for Town offices

5. Susan Pehrson –waiver for Erica’s conference

6. Transfer Station quote for a new baler

7. Status of BIA inventory and storage needs

8. Sidewalk TE application grant – Possible February grant round
