Selectmen Minutes 03.24.09

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
March 24, 2009
Pledge of allegiance

Roll Call

Welcome to new Selectman, Jack Meaney
Also, Congratulations to the new Chairman of the Board, Charles Meany.

1. Robert Devarney came before the board about in regards to a tax issue.
2. Steve Lucier, Road Agent
A. Gravel – cost from Mt. William is the same as last year ($12.95).
Selectmen approve purchasing gravel from Mt. William
B. Grader repairs – king pin has broken, Steve will see if he can save cost by having some parts made locally, others will have to be ordered. Bushing assembly will have to be replaced.
C. FEMA $ – Steve would like to know how much goes back to Highway Dept. Selectmen will make decision later in the year.

3. Mr. Arkadi Nkiforow regarding complaints about dogs and compliance with Town ordinance regarding kennels. Conversation/ debate follow.
Selectmen advised Mr. Nikiforow to go before the Planning Board to address the kennel issue, also advises that he would be in violation of the leash law if his dogs were found to be loose and roaming again.

Regular Business:
1. Accounts payables and Payroll reviewed and approved.
2. Recommendation to establish a board to handle all bid investigations denied by Selectmen.
3. Sailer billing – Bank has extended construction note. Sailer asking for $4500.00 more to cover the extra rebar and concrete to correct inappropriate foundation. Also wants $2500.00 to pay for the upgrade of the steel mat and rebar for the Highway Garage floor.
$3000.00 approved, seconded, and passed by the Selectmen.
4. Grant information on generator for the Town Hall – A quote of $5,100.00 was obtained last fall for a generator and installation. Selectmen said to call around for price comparisons.
5. Ken Anderson, Transfer Station Manager, asked if two local landscapers could use the rear entrance to the dump for three weeks to utilize the burn pile with debris from the ice storm.
Selectmen approved.
6. Report from Cheryl Behr on meeting @ Community Center regarding the housing of the Welfare office. Cheryl explained that there is room in the Selectmen’s Office and that privacy wall dividers could be set up for the Welfare office.
Selectmen Office personnel were asked to look into this.
7. Selectmen review budget cuts – Reassigned $5000.00 by cutting Circut Rider hours, with Chair of the PB’s approval.
8. Town Hall hours will be cut to a four day week May 1st. This will be done due budgetary constraints The Selectmen’s personnel will work the same number of hours, the hours will just be extended each day.
Selectmen approved.
9. Charles Meany will be the Selectmen’s rep to the Road Committee.
Peter Fenton will be the representative to the Budget Committee and the ZB
Jack Meaney will represent the Selectmen on the PB and first winter carnival meeting.