Selectmen’s Minutes 01.11.21

Select Board Meeting called to order at 6:01pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call – Jason Allen (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Michael James (via ZOOM) and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.

Working Session:

  • Steve Hall, Town Road Agent, met with the Board to discuss the Town’s Snow Removal Policy. The Board reviewed the existing policy, last updated December 1st, 2009. Karen and Steve had provided some recommended edits to the policy. Clarification was added to the policy regarding the notification avenues the Town used to alert the department regarding hazardous road conditions. The policy describes the weather events, and actions taken, which are implemented at the discretion of the Road Agent. The policy was edited to reflect 4 full time resources, down from 5, and 1 part-time, versus a previous quantity of 3 part-time resources. The policy was also updated to reflect the salt and sand ratios typically used. The Board discussed the decision process for cancelling school, which is made by the schools and bussing transportation providers. Winter parking bans were updated to read from November 1st through May 1st.  Non-maintained roads were reviewed. The use of sand versus salt was discussed. Clarification was discussed regarding the criteria for sand and salt on roads near waterways. The winter sand used does not have enough grit in the mix to stay on the roads in areas where the use of salt is not desired. There are additional options but they come at a cost. Wording regarding the Town right-of-way will be reviewed. The wording regarding property damage was reviewed. The policy was also updated to include adoption, pursuant to RSA 232:20, RSA 47:17 paragraph VII, and RSA 41:11, language and fines regarding depositing of snow in the right-of-way. The policy provides clarification regarding plowing of Town Facilities and use of Town equipment.

The Board discussed whether there should be a difference in the amount of sand laid on flat surfaces versus hills. Steve expressed that sand is dissipated at a more frequent rate on flat surfaces versus a slower speed dissipation rate on hills and feels that, for safety concerns, flat surfaces should be sanded. Ann Eldridge, Chair of the Conservation Commission, attended the call and was asked whether the usage of salt and sand should be researched. She will look into the options. Ann asked about the plowing schedule on Rowe Mountain Road. Where the road transitions from paved to dirt road, the department will plow when there is heavy snow but if they are treating the paved road, they use salt and sand mix which is not used on dirt roads so would later return to treat the dirt section of the road with sand only.

The policy adoption will be placed on hold pending research by Ann regarding recommendations to treat roads near water bodies. Ann will follow up with Steve on the most vulnerable roads and any recommendations.

  • An inquiry was received regarding Blaisdell Hill Road. There is a question about the Roads status and the lack of turn around at the end of the Class V road where the road turns to Class VI. Karen will respond to the questions asked in the letter.

Appearances: 7:00pm

  • Barb Southard appeared before the Board to discuss a Carbon Cash Back petition. She asked the Board to allow Bradford citizens the opportunity to tell their legislators that what they want is a carbon cash back solution to help address the climate crisis. She shared a presentation with the Board regarding how the solution works. She asked the Board to place this request on a Warrant Article for Town Meeting. Karen asked whether the program would provide rebates for municipalities. Barb was not sure whether municipalities would be eligible. Barb will forward Karen proposed Warrant Article language. Ann Eldridge spoke to include her support of the request. The request will be reviewed at the next Select Board meeting. The request does have the required petition Warrant Article signatures which Barb will also forward. Karen will have the Town Clerk certify the signatures.

Regular and Old Business:

  • Minutes from December 28th, 2020 and January 4th, 2021 meetings were reviewed.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to accept the minutes of December 28th, 2020 and January 4th, 2021.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • The Account Payables and the Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • The Board reviewed the General Budget and Warrant Articles:

Jason made some adjustment recommendations to the other Select Board members. After reviewing the scope of the building permits and a discussion Jason had with Pam Bruss, Planning Board Chair, they agreed that those permits requiring additional oversight, could be reviewed leveraging the increased Circuit Rider the Planning Board has proposed. The Select Board will review any straight forward permit requests. The suggestion was to follow this process over the next year and make any appropriate adjustments once the activity, and resource demand, is more clearly understood.

  • Executive Fund recommendation changed to $200,000.
    • Financial Administration changed to $101,000.
    • Planning Board recommendation changed to $21,175.
    • General Government Buildings changed to $75,000.
    • Rescue Squad changed to $11,000.
    • Building Department recommendation changed to $5,000.
    • Conservation changed to $1,000.

This would be a 3.37% increase year over year.

The Board reviewed the Warrant Articles:

  • The Masonic Hall request was increased from $25,000 to $30,000.
    • Warrant Articles passed in 2020 totaled $516,500, Warrant Articles proposed total $547,252. The budget would total $2,868,671, a 3.88% increase year over year.
 Selectmen’s Voted
Warrant Article Expense:  
11-Jan-21 Motion/Second/Vote
1991 Town Building Repair Fund  $           1,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
1997 Town Facilities Fund  $           1,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
2002 Gravestone Repair Fund  $             500.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
2002 Police Facility Fund  $           1,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
2006 Fire Dept Heavy Equipment Fund  $         70,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
2006 Main Street Improvement Fund  $         25,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
2008 Revaluation Capital Reserve  $           6,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
2009 Salt and Fuel Fund  $           1,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
2010 Communication Equipment Fund  $           2,500.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
2015 Town Equip Major Repair Exp Tr Fund  $           5,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
2019 Town Hall Repair and Ren Exp Tr Fund  $       100,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
2019 Roads and Bridges Exp Tr Fund  $         75,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
2020 Highway Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve  $         80,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
Fire Dept Heavy Equipment Fund for a new Pumper ($375,000 from CR)  $       375,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
Fire Dept SCBA Bottle replacement  $         19,703.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
Fire Dept Paint Inside Fire House ($10K from 2003 Fire Station Repair Fund)  $         10,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
Lease/Purchase Payments – pay off Loader lease  $         99,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
Conservation Fund  $           1,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
New Police Vehicle Trust Fund (establish and fund)  $         20,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
Speed bumps by Elementary School  $           1,800.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
Masonic Hall – final solution (demo, filling, grading parking lot)  $         30,000.00 Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
Tree Removal at Bradford Pines as proposed by Tom Wilkins  $           1,000.00  Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
Cemetery Plumbing (11K from trust fund; 15K from taxation)  $           7,500.00  Jason Allen/Michael James/3-0
 Total Warrant Articles  $       548,003.00
  • Brackett Scheffy, Fred Hubley and the Board discussed Town Meeting options; The options are to have a traditional Town Meeting or a virtual meeting under HB 11:29, with the protocol for questions determined by the Select Board as to whether questions will be allowed during the virtual meeting or gather via email. The virtual option consists of a 1st session where the Board would present the Warrant Articles, followed by a 2nd virtual meeting, where the Board would present a final Warrant, conducted within 7 days of the 1st meeting. A drive-by voting process is then conducted. There is also an option for the Moderator to postpone the date of the meeting, although the timeframe may be constrained (perhaps in 3-day increments) and may require multiple postponements.

The Superintendent’s Office has stated that the Elementary School is not an option. The Town could seek a larger venue. Michael asked how a delay would affect elected officials. Brackett believes appointments expire at the end of Town Meeting so if the Meeting is delayed, elected officials would be expected to serve until Town Meeting is completed.

The Board is in favor of pursuing the traditional Town Meeting and will tentatively try to postpone it. Brackett will follow up on the postponement options. Karen will follow up with the High School and Elementary school to determine whether there are any options if the date is postponed into June.

  • Karen provided a brief update into her research on list serve options. She will have more information and some information about costs.
  • Landscaping bids for Cemetery maintenance was reviewed. Marlene made a recommendation, on behalf of the Cemetery Commission, to award FVB Landscaping the landscaping contract.

New Business:

  • A Building Permit application was reviewed and signed by the Board Chair.
  • The Board Chair signed a Certificate of Completion for Map 17/Lot 58.
  • Jason provided an update on a conversation with the State Fire Marshal. They are able to help advise the community on build code questions. They will also conduct inspections based upon a written request from the Town. In the event, the Fire Chief is unable to do a Life Safety inspection, they could do it. There was also a recommendation that if a home owner feels it necessary, they could engage a licensed building inspector.
  • A contract with CAI Technologies, the provider who maintains the tax maps on the AxisGIS website, was signed. The contract includes an annual auto renewal clause, at the same rate, an outlined a year notice for any proposed increase.
  • Jason read into record letters related to a solicitation for feedback to adopting an SB2 form of Town Meeting from Marge and George Cilley as well as Laurie Brown.
  • The Board reviewed a complaint regarding a property owners tax bill.
  • A complaint was received about the condition about Oakdale Road. Within a couple days, Highway patched the potholes as best as they could given the time of year.
  • A thank you was received from the Eastern Star Wreaths for allowing them use of the Masonic Hall porch to sell wreaths.

Public Input:

  • There was no public input.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91A:311 (l) at 8:54pm.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to return to public session at 9:07pm

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91A:311 (c) at 9:07pm.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Michael James motioned to return to public session at 10:44pm

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn at 10:44pm.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday January 19th, 2021 at 7:00pm, at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary