Selectmen’s Minutes 01.14.19

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

January 14, 2019

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm

Roll Call- Jim Bibbo, Chairman, John Pfeifle, Michael James, Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, were in attendance


  1. Marlene Freyler, representing the Bradford Cemetery Commission, and Harry Wright, Trustee of the Trust Funds, met with the Board to discuss utilizing the interest and income from the Cemetery Trust funds toward the annual General Fund budget for Cemetery maintenance. This is an option and applies to utilizing prior year income and interest. No income/interest from years prior to the immediately preceding year is able to be used. Harry estimated the available amount to be approximately $8,300 for 2019. Marlene felt the Town could expect an amount between $7,000 and $8,000 annually.
  2. Chief Valiquet and Jason Allen, along with the Town Road Agent, Steve Hall, discussed the future of the old Highway shed located near the ice rink which has a significant mold issue with the Board. The Parks & Recreation Committee had expressed an interest in revitalizing the bathroom and mechanical room for use as warm space and a public restroom during the winter as well as extending water to the rink to ease maintenance activity. The Town has received an estimate for approximately $3,500 to remediate the mold issue and, after discussion, the amount of money needed to bring the shed up to the standard needed to meet the Parks & Rec’s objectives would be prohibitive. The Board will put the remediation efforts on a Warrant Article for Town Meeting and further investigation around options to extend a water line to the rink will be explored.
  3. Steve Hall presented a new Highway position to the Board for approval. This position, Equipment Operator/Mechanic, replaces the position Steve vacated when he accepted the Road Agent position. The Board agreed that Steve, as the Department Head, should manage his employee demands as the Department needs.

Motion: John Pfeifle motion to approve the creation of the new position.

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  1. Steve also asked the Selectmen for support in moving any signs indicating seasonal road maintenance to the end of Jewett Road on the Battle’s Farm end of the road as there is no turn around location and plowing that portion of the road presents a safety hazard for the Highway Department. The Selectmen supported Steve’s decision.

Regular Business: 

  1. The Board signed a contract with Atlas PyroVision to provide fireworks for the annual Independence Day Celebration.
  2. Fire Chief Mark Goldberg and several members of Fire & Rescue met with the Select Board to discuss next steps for the Fire Department driven in large part by the Chief’s upcoming retirement. Two specific issues have been identified, the first is the replacement of the Fire Department Chief and a second concern has been raised related to how to encourage additional participation in the Fire Department which is a volunteer department. Chief Goldberg’s recommendation, after meetings he’s held with the Fire Department, recommended the Board investigate utilizing a consulting company, Municipal Resources Inc., to do an assessment to guide the Town in evaluating what the best options would be. The Chief further recommended following a similar model to the structure being utilized in Deering, NH which includes hiring a part-time Chief and adding on-call funding to the budget for Fire Department members when they are called out. The Board thanked the Chief for his service and discussed exploring a multi-town resource with neighboring communities as well as speaking with MRI and determining what should be presented on a Warrant Article at Town Meeting.
  3. The Selectmen discussed preparing commentary and dedication statements for the Town Report. Drafts are underway and will be sent out for review shortly.
  4. The Board signed a scope of work statement for the additional well monitoring required by the Department of Environmental Services on the Naughton property.
  5. An intent to cut was signed for Map 3/Lot 7.
  6. The Board signed a GIS Internet Service Annual Maintenance Agreement renewal for the software utilized to manage and update the online tax maps.
  7. The Selectmen reviewed the current General Budget submission for 2019 along with a draft of the Warrant Articles. John Pfeifle prepared a summary proposal of areas to be reduced to keep any tax increase minimal as the current proposals would exceed Town revenues.
    1. Karen mentioned that Town emails were down and the Town has no IT Support contract.
    2. A Warrant amount for the Fire Department needs to be determined.
    3. John proposed reducing the Rescue Squad contract; Karen will provide some detail, as 2018 included a $35,000 credit which will not be reflected in 2019.
    4. Highway request has an increase year over year and will be reviewed with the Budget Committee on January 17th.
    5. Solid Waste is increasing as the demand for recycling is down.
    6. The Library budget is still pending review but is calling for an increase.
    7. A quote to address deferred maintenance at the BACC is still pending and hasn’t been included in the budget request.
    8. Chris Frey asked the Selectmen if they had reviewed a Petition Warrant he submitted related to a part-time Fire Chief. The Board did not. Chris will resend it.
    9. Chris also asked about the status of the TAP grant to support the Main Street Improvement project which has $50,000 included in the Capital Improvement Plan Budget and is needed to show the Town’s matching commitment to the sidewalk replacement plan. The grant has not yet been awarded. Carl Goldberg asked how the reimbursement of the project would be managed, concerned the Town may have to wait a significant period of time to be reimbursed while paying for the services on a regular basis. The program uses a monthly reimbursement process so there should be little risk around the Town funding the project for an extended period of time.
    10. Claire James raised concerns that the Selectmen’s budget cut proposal would push the CIP out further. She stated that the CIP reaches a high point in the next 3 years but then reduces and that projects will get pushed out if not approved. Jim Bibbo commented that the CIP is working although perhaps a little more slowly than some would like. John reiterated that he is trying to draw a picture of what needs to happen to keep the tax impact down.
  8. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  9. Minutes from the January 7thmeeting were reviewed.

 Motion: John Pfeifle motion to accept the minutes.

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The Board adjourned to Non-Public Session per RSA 91 A:3II a at 7:20pm.

The meeting adjourned to Public Session at 7:51pm.

The Board adjourned the meeting at 7:52pm.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to adjourn

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday January 28th, 2019 at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary