Selectmen’s Minutes 01.26.15

Board of Selectmen Minutes

January 26, 2015


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Harry Wright, Selectman

Sonny Harris absent due to family emergency


  1. Fire Department representative advised they are waiting to speak to the State Legislature regarding state forest behind the fire station. Selectmen agreed to include $500 warrant article for study of cost implications.
  2. Town Hall Building Committee requested the RFP for selective demolition be submitted in two parts. Selectmen agreed. It was presented that Bradford Town Hall was featured on the cover of the latest issue of Town and City magazine.

Regular Business

  1. It was agreed that, weather permitting, town meeting will be held at the town shed on Saturday, March 14, 2015 at 10:00am in order to accommodate the number of residents anticipated to attend.
  2. Abatement and Current use documents to sign were postponed until next meeting.
  3. Safe Routes to School (SRTS) draft reports were circulated for review.
  4. The town was informed that Bradford did not receive funding for West Main St sidewalks this round. Letter from TAP read to record.
  5. Warrant Article review continued. Issues to discuss next week include Town Hall funding, fire tanker, sand screen, rainy day fund and updated rate information for Town Hall bond.
  6. Road agent estimated $60,000 for repair of Class V seasonal portion of Forrest St. Selectmen agreed to include $500 warrant article for study to repair street.
  7. Personnel Action Form signed regarding new Supervisor of the Checklist.

Pending Issues

  1. Autocraft- photos and report forwarded to town attorney
  2. Failed septic system on Route 114
  3. Shed unlawfully built on Center Rd

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of January 12, 2015 meeting were reviewed and accepted as presented.


Public Session ended at 6:35pm.

Meeting entered into Nonpublic Session to discuss personnel per RSA 91A:3II (a) and property negotiations per RSA 91A:3II (d).