Selectmen’s Minutes 02.01.21

Select Board Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Marlene Freyler asked that the minutes reflect Chris Frey was sworn in prior to the start of the meeting.

Roll Call – Marlene Freyler (Chair), Chris Frey and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.

Marlene Freyler was appointed Chair of the Board.


  • Devin Pendleton appeared on behalf of the Library, there have been some changes with the Library Trustees. Devin requested the Board appoint Elizabeth Bouley and Jason Grey as Library Trustees, as well as Seth Benowitz to a one-year term as alternate. All appointments were approved and signed by the Board.
  • Kathleen Bigford appeared on behalf of the Alternative Energy Committee to present a Warrant Article request for energy improvements to the Library, based upon results from a recent energy audit. The proposed Warrant Article reads: To see if the Town of Bradford will vote to raise and appropriate the sum $8,000 for the purpose of implementing energy saving measures to reduce the annual energy consumption of the Brown Memorial Library as outlined in the Energy Audit of the Brown Memorial Library prepared in December 2020. This will be a non-lapsing appropriation per RSA 32:7, VI and will continue until the money is spent or December 31, 2026.

The Board asked whether the Library Trustees endorsed the request. The audit will be reviewed with the Trustees on February 3rd, 2021 and Kathleen will let the Board know what the feedback is. The Board will plan to review the article on February 4th, 2021 with the Budget Committee. The Board will proceed with placing the article on the Warrant as a Petition Warrant.

Kathleen also noted the resignation of two Committee members, Sue McKevitt and Brad Keller. She asked that Sandra Bravo and Laura Ryder be appointed.

Motion: Chris Frey motioned to appoint Sandra Bravo and Laura Ryder to the Energy Committee

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 2-0 in favor

Kathleen also called out that the Committee would like to amend the name of the committee from the Bradford Alternative Energy Committee, to the Bradford Energy Committee as that better represents their focus. 

Motion: Chris Frey motioned to amend the name of the Committee as proposed.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 2-0 in favor

Regular and Old Business:

  • The minutes of January 11th and January 25th were reviewed.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to approve the minutes of January 11th and January 25th, 2021.

Second: Chris Frey

Decision: 1-0-1, Chris Frey abstained

  • The Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • The Board discussed their upcoming meeting schedule. Dates regarding Warrant Articles and the General Budget were reviewed. The Board discussed paying off the Road Bond in 2021 and adding that to the Warrant. Karen will verify the numbers and the Board will discuss it with the Budget Committee on February 4th, 2021. Chris also asked what options may exist to refinance the Town Hall Bond. Karen had followed up with Bar Harbor previously and better rates were not available. The Board will review whether the Bond Bank may have a more favorable rate and whether any prepayment penalties exist.
  • The Board will meet weekly at 6:00 pm, on Monday, through Town Meeting.
  • The Board discussed Town Meeting with Brackett Scheffy, Town Moderator. Concerns revolve around COVID-19, the level of participation versus the ability for the Town to attend in a safe manner. Concerns regarding a delay include establishing new elected officials, as well as setting the annual budget. The Board agreed to meet before the Warrant is posted, which is February 22nd, and determine the path forward. Karen raised concerns regarding reserving space. Karen will reserve space at the Middle School for March 13th, 2021 with the caveat that the date is subject to change. Audio visual demands and scheduling are also a concern, these costs will likely be higher if a larger location is changed. Chris proposed adding this cost to the Warrant. Karen will also post some outreach inquires for voter input regarding the timing of Town Meeting.
  • The Board reviewed three Building Permits; one for 48 West Road, was not approved pending a follow up by the Board.
  • The Board reviewed the General Budget and Warrant Articles proposed.

The Board discussed the upcoming Zoning Amendment that the Planning Board held a Public Hearing on regarding eliminating the existing Town Building Code. They recommended adding $15,000 to the Budget in the event that the Zoning Amendment fails.

They recommended the following General Budget lines be adjusted and will present these numbers to the Budget Committee on February 4th:

Account Number / Description Select Board
4194 Gen Govt Bldgs $78,000.00
4240 Building Dept – Code Enforcement $15,000.00
4711 Long Term Notes $81,840.00

Several proposed Warrant articles were discussed:

  • An Attendant for French’s Park was added to the list of Warrant recommended for $4,000, both Board members recommended.
  • A transition from a 3 to 5-person board was removed as a potential Warrant article. Both Board members were in agreement.
  • The Board determined they would place an Article looking for support for a Carbon Cashback Program, though the Board is not electing to offer support for the Article.
  • The date to notify abutters of the discontinuance of Pierce Road was discussed, as was the placement of gates and bars.
  • The Board removed a Warrant article to demolish the Masonic Hall.
  • An Article to remove trees at the Tall Pines was removed.
  • An Article to repair water service for the Sunny Plains Cemetery was discussed. This Warrant article will be removed and a more detailed scope of work will be defined.

New Business:

  • The New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration Equalization Certificate was signed.
  • A Solar Exemption application was approved.
  • A Personnel Action Form for a new Firefighter was signed.

Public Input:

There was no public input

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn at 7:53 pm

Second: Chris Frey

Decision: 2-0

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary.