Selectmen’s Minutes 02.08.21

Select Board Meeting called to order at 6:03 pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call – Marlene Freyler (Chair), Chris Frey and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.


There were no appearances

Regular and Old Business:

  • The Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • Karen provided an update on Town Meeting feedback. Most emails received indicate a desire to push the meeting out. Timing is still to be determined and is tentatively scheduled for March 13th but may change. Elected Officials cannot take their seats and the Town will not be operating under an official budget until after Town Meeting. The Board will meet at 10:00 am on February 19th and determine what date should be placed on the Warrant. Brackett Scheffy and Fred Hubley, Town Moderator and Assistant Moderator, both confirmed their attendance. The February 15th meeting will be moved to February 16th due to the President’s Day holiday.
  • The Board revisited a Building Permit for 48 West Road. Karen also relayed some questions that would have originally been forwarded to the Building Inspector. One concerned a home that has been under construction for several years. The matter will be forwarded to the Planning Board. A question has also been received concerning the Junction Restaurant and whether an existing Site Plan and Sign Permit exist. This will also be forwarded to the Planning Board.
  • The General Budget and Warrant Articles were reviewed.

The Board voted to recommend the following General Budget amount recommendations:

General Budget Line Amount Motion/Second Decision
4130 Executive  $  200,000 MF/CF  2-0
4140 Election, Registration & Vital Statistics  $     5,200 MF/CF  2-0
4150 Financial Administration  $   101,000 MF/CF  2-0
4152 Revaluation of Property  $    29,000 MF/CF  2-0
4153 Legal  $    45,000 MF/CF  2-0
4155 Employee Benefits  $               1 MF/CF  2-0
4191 Planning & Zoning  $    19,175 MF/CF  2-0
4194 Gen Govt Bldgs  $    78,000 MF/CF  2-0
 4195 Cemetery  $   25,000 MF/CF  2-0
4196 Insurances  $    82,000 MF/CF  2-0
4199 Other General Govt  $     7,700 MF/CF  2-0
4210 Police Dept  $ 586,900 MF/CF  2-0
4220 Fire Dept  $  165,000 CF/MF  2-0
4225 Rescue Squad  $    11,000 MF/CF  2-0
4226 Rescue – Contract Services  $     62,800 MF/CF  2-0
4240 Building Dept – Code Enforcement  $    15,000 MF/CF  2-0
4290 Emergency Management  $      1,000 MF/CF  2-0
4312 Highway Dept  $   550,000 MF/CF  2-0
4313 Bridges  $             1 MF/CF  2-0
 4316 Street Lighting  $      2,600 CF/MF  2-0
4323 Solid Waste Collection  $   90,000 MF/CF  2-0
4324 Solid Waste Disposal  $   22,300 MF/CF  2-0
4415 Inoculations  $               1 MF/CF  2-0
4441 Welfare  $     7,400 MF/CF  2-0
4445 Welfare Payments  $    30,000 MF/CF  2-0
4520 Parks & Recreation  $    13,750 MF/CF  2-0
4550 Library  $    81,000 MF/CF  2-0
4583 Patriotic Purposes  $    18,000 MF/CF  2-0
4589 Community Center  $     22,000 MF/CF  2-0
4619 Other Conservation  $       1,000 MF/CF  2-0
4711 Long Term Notes  $     81,840 MF/CF  2-0
4723 Interest on Tan Notes  $       5,000 MF/CF  2-0

Warrant Articles were reviewed:

Motion: Chris Frey motioned that an article to payoff the Road Bond in the amount of $83,000, funded from Fund Balance, be added to the Warrant.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 2-0

Motion: Chris Frey motioned to remove the article for the demolition of the Masonic Hall ($30,000) from the Warrant.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 2-0

Motion: Chris Frey motioned to remove the article for the Tree work at the Bradford Pines ($1,000) from the Warrant.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 2-0

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to remove the article for the Cemetery Plumbing ($7,500) from the Warrant.

Second: Chris Frey

Decision: 2-0

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to include an article for $2,000 for a French’s Park attendant on the Warrant.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 2-0

The Board discussed various strategies that could be implemented to help enforce permit only parking at French’s Park.

The Board then reviewed Warrant Article language

Motion: Chris Frey motioned to take the article for $1,000 for the 2009 Salt & Fuel Fund off the Warrant.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 2-0

The Board proposed amended language to the purchase of a Fire Pumper Warrant Article to include a requirement to have a 3–5 member advisory committee established to approve the Fire Pumper before a purchase authorization is established.

There was discussion regarding the plan for next steps for Town Hall and whether there should be any funding placed on the Warrant. It was decided that the Board would leave the prior Board’s recommendation of $100,000 on the Warrant and make any motion regarding a different amount recommendation on the floor of Town Meeting.

The Board discussed support to discontinue Pierce Road. Language will be confirmed to verify whether the Warrant is written appropriately.

Motion: Chris Frey motioned to recommend a Warrant Article for theSale of Town Property petitioned by the Conservation Commission.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 2-0

The Board reviewed three town-owned properties and determined they would place them on a Warrant as additional Town properties to be sold. Karen will draft the Warrant Article.

The Board discussed the order of the Warrant Articles.

  • Karen provided the Board with an update on options to establish a “List Serve”, an idea initiated by the previous Board, which allows an ability to sign up for notification emails. It would cost approximately $35 to $65 a month. The specific scope of use had not been identified. The Board will table the discussion, potentially until a new Board is established.
  • The Board reviewed changes made to the Snow Removal and Ice Removal policy. The Board was in agreement with the edits proposed.

New Business:

  • The Board agreed to meet on Tuesday the 16th.
  • The Board accepted a donation for the Scholarship Trust Fund in the amount of $100.
  • The Board signed the Call to Vote.
  • The Board signed abatements for Map 11/Lot 76, Site 25 and Map 11/Lot 76, Site 28.
  • The Board signed a refund for a tax overpayment.
  • The Chair signed the Groundwater Monitoring Report.
  • The Board signed a snowmobile registration refund.

Public Input:

  • Karen shared that she has spoken with a possible candidate for the Recording Secretary position.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3II (c) at 7:52 pm.

Second: Chris Frey

Decision: 2-0

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to return to public session at 8:05 pm.

Second: Chris Frey

Decision: 2-0 in favor

Motion: Chris Frey motioned to adjourn to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 pm.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 2-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary.