Selectmen’s Minutes 02.10.20

Meeting called to order at 7:07pm

Roll Call- Michael James, Jason Allen, Dave Nunnally, Marylin Gordon, Town Treasurer and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.

Pledge of Allegiance


  • Melissa Cloutier, Town Clerk appeared. She reviewed the election process for the Presidential Primary with the Board.

Regular Business: 

  • The Board reviewed the minutes from the January 27th, 2020 meeting.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to approve the minutes.

Second: Dave Nunnally

Decision: 3-0 in favor.

  • Account Payables and the Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • Karen presented the Board with a sign proposal that was received. The two entities proposing new Town signs have not yet met to discuss their proposals. Michael will coordinate a meeting, prior to the next Board meeting, to establish a collective scope and recommendation for the Town.
  • A quote for the fireworks display was also discussed. The cost is increasing and the Board discussed a concern with declining participation driven by the increase in similar events during the same timeframe in other towns. The Board feels that Devin Pendleton has done a great job coordinating this event but with the declining attendance believes that hosting an event at a different time of year may increase participation again. They proposed adding a question to the Warrant at Town Meeting to see if the Town is interested in in exploring other ideas for an annual Town Celebration in lieu of Independence Day.
  • The Board reviewed the Operating Budget and support a merit increase of 2%. Significant conversation was held concerning:
    • Fire Department Budget – There is disparity between the Budget Committee and SB driven by contract services and repairs & maintenance. Michael James suggested they fund the tire replacements from the proposed repurposed 2015 Highway Expendable Trust Fund. Jason Allen felt tires are really a maintenance item. Dave Nunnally argued an item done once in every seven years item should be a stand-alone warrant article. The Board did identify some risk if the proposed warrant article to does not pass. If the article to repurpose the Highway Expendable Trust Fund fails, the department can motion on the floor to increase the amount to cover the tires in a subsequent warrant article. NFPA states they have to replace tires every 7 years. This left a difference of $14,000 between the SB and BC figures, the difference being in the per-call budget line. Call costs are trending at $2,000 per month. SB originally planned $15,000 annually which was based upon the amount estimated the previous year. Jason Allen asked whether the token economy model would work for on call payments. Currently there are 16 firefighters, responding to an estimate of 200 calls per year, volume of folks that respond is probably 5-6. The Select Board used 8 to calculate. Jason discussed the token economy structure. The Fire Chief cautioned that the department is migrating to an expectation of limiting the call amount. The same core group of Fire Fighters are responding as they did previously. Michael James is in favor of keeping the number that the SB originally proposed. The Board feels they can work with the department to manage to that number.
Account Number / Description Selectmen’s Recommendation Motion/Second/Vote
4130 Executive $185,000 Jason Allen motion to recommend $185.000, Michael James 2nd
Dave Nunnally motioned to amend the motion to $185,880 as requested, amendment failed. Vote 3-0
  4140 Election, Registration & Vital Statistic $10,000 Dave Nunnally motioned $10,000, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
4150 Financial Administration $105,000 Jason Allen motioned $105,000, Dave Nunnally 2nd,  3-0
4152 Reval of Property $22,500 Dave Nunnally motioned $22,500, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
  4153 Legal $55,000 Dave Nunnally motioned $55,000, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
4155 Employee Benefits $1 Jason Allen motioned $1, Michael James 2nd, 3-0
  4191 Planning & Zoning $10,000 Dave Nunnally motioned $10,000, Jason Allen 2nd,  3-0
 4194 Gen Govt Bldgs $85,000 Jason Allen motioned $85,000, Dave Nunnally 2nd, 3-0
 4195 Cemetery $25,000 Jason Allen motioned $25,000, Dave Nunnally 2nd, 3-0
4196 Insurances $75,500 Dave Nunnally motioned $75,500, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
  4199 Other General Govt $7,700 Dave Nunnally motioned $7,700, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
4210 Police Dept $505,000 Jason Allen motioned $505,000, Dave Nunnally 2nd, 3-0
 4220 Fire Dept $115,800 Dave Nunnally motioned to recom- mend $115,800, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
  4225 Rescue Squad $11,280 Jason Allen motioned $11,280, Dave Nunnally 2nd, 3-0
 4226 Rescue – Contract Service $67,000 Dave Nunnally motioned $67,000, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
  4240 Building Dept – Code Enforcement $19,000 Jason Allen motioned $19,000, Dave Nunnally 2nd, 3-0
4290 Emergency Management $1,000 Jason Allen motioned $1,000, Dave Nunnally 2nd, 3-0
  4312 Highway Dept $528,500  Jason Allen motioned $531,000, there was no 2nd.
Dave Nunnally motioned $520,000, Michael James 2nd, vote 0-3
Dave Nunnally motioned $528,500, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
  4313 Bridges $1 Dave Nunnally motioned $1, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
  4316 Street Lighting $2,700 Dave Nunnally motioned $2,700, Michael James 2nd, 3-0
  4323 Solid Waste Collection $87,777 Dave Nunnally motioned $87,777, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
  4324 Solid Waste Disposal $22,300 Dave Nunnally motioned $23,300, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
4415 Inoculation $1 Dave Nunnally motioned $1, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
  4441 Welfare $7,281 Dave Nunnally motioned $7,281, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
  4445 Welfare Payments $32,802 Dave Nunnally motioned $32,802, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
  4520 Parks & Recreation $11,750 Dave Nunnally motioned $11,750, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
  4550 Library $77,800 Jason Allen motioned $77,800, Dave Nunnally 2nd, 3-0
  4583 Patriotic Purposes $18,000 Jason Allen motioned $18,000, Dave Nunnally 2nd, 3-0
4589 Community Center $22,000 Dave Nunnally motioned $22,000, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
  4619 Other Conservation $900 Dave Nunnally motioned $900, Jason Allen 2nd, 3-0
4711 Long Term Notes $81,840 Jason Allen motioned $81,840, Dave Nunnally, 3-0
  4723 Interest on Tan Notes $5,000 Dave Nunnally motioned $5,000, Jason Allen 2nd,3-0
 TOTAL 01 General Fund $2,198,433 Jason Allen motioned $2,198,433, Dave Nunnally 2nd, 3-0
  • The Board reviewed a Petition Warrant Article to support funding a new pumper truck in 2020.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned not to recommend the petitioned warrant article for the pumper truck.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor.

  • Jason recommended the Board consider an additional warrant item to rename the Parks & Recreation Special Revenue Fund to be called a Revolving Fund, more reflective of how it is being used.

Motion: Michael James motioned to have a 2/3rds vote to change the language of the fund to rename the Parks & Recreation Special Revenue Fund to specify that it is a Revolving Fund.

Second: Dave Nunnally

Decision: 3-0 in favor.

  • A discussion regarding a recommendation to dissolve the TIF fund was deferred until a future meeting.
  • The Board discussed the order in which the Warrant Articles would be presented at Town Meeting. The order will remain as Karen had presented them. The Board also discussed that the Town can only vote to increase or decrease the budget by up to 10%. If a motion on the floor were to pass to move the pumper replacement up in the order of the discussion it could negate any discussion of additional Warrant Articles.
  • The Board signed a Land & Community Heritage Improvement Program (LCHIP) Stewardship Agreement.
  • The Board nominated Bruce Edwards as the Health Officer.
  • The Board signed appointments for the Bradford Alternative Energy Committee.
  • The Board signed a Timber Tax Warrant for Map 2 Lot 102.
  • The spring meeting schedule was discussed. The Board will continue to meet on a bi-weekly basis and will add a meeting on February 17th, 2020, to enter a non-public session to conduct employee reviews.
  • Karen presented the Board with a monthly dumpster rental fee invoice for Dunfield Road. Michael will follow up as the dumpster is not in use and should have been returned to Naughton & Sons.

The Board adjourned to non-public session per RSA 91:A-3:II(a) personnel at 9:52pm

Motion: Michael James motioned to adjourn to public session at 10:34pm.

Second: Dave Nunnally

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Michael James motioned to adjourn to non-public session at 10:35 pm.

Second: Dave Nunnally

Decision: 3-0 in favor

The Board adjourned to public session at 11:00 pm.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to seal the minutes.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:01pm.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday February 17th, 2020 for a non-public session and again on February 24th, 2020 at 7:00pm, at the Bradford Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary