Selectmen’s Minutes 02.17.20

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

Roll Call- Michael James, Jason Allen, Dave Nunnally and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.

Pledge of Allegiance


  1. No appearances

Regular Business: 

  • Melissa Cloutier presented the Town’s Call to Vote which the Board signed. Melissa also provided updates regarding State Election Laws.
  • Karen provided the Board an update on a Zoning violation complaint on Fairgrounds Road, Map 2/Lot 42. A follow up letter for the property owner was presented for the Boards review and signed. The Board will work with legal counsel to identify specific actions the Town may take if the Zoning violations are not addressed.
  • Karen presented an update on an insurance claim for wind damage to shingles at the Town Hall. The claim was paid, totaling slightly over $9,000, which was applied towards the roof replacement cost.
  • The Board signed a corrected Timber Tax Warrant for Map 2/Lot 102.

Public Input:

  • There was no public input.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn to Non-public session per RSA 91:A3IIa at 7:15pm

Second: David Nunnally

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to return to Public Session at 7:22pm

Second: David Nunnally

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Michael James motioned to adjourn to Non-public session per RSA 91:A3IIa at 7:23pm

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Michael James motioned to return to Public Session at 7:37pm

Second: David Nunnally

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Michael James motioned to adjourn to Non-public session per RSA 91:A3IIa at 7:39pm

Second: Dave Nunnally

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Michael James motioned to return to Public Session at 7:53pm

Second: David Nunnally

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Dave Nunnally motioned at adjourn at 7:54pm.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on February 24th, 2020 at 7:00pm, at the Bradford Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary