Selectmen’s Minutes 02.21.22

Select Board Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm

Roll Call – Andrew Pinard (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Mel Pfeifle and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.


Tim Blagden – Tim would like to have a 5K road race to raise funds for the Rail Trail project. Tim explained the race route would go from The Appleseed along High Street, to West Main Street, up Gillingham to a point then down Gillingham back to West Main, up Church Street then along the Tilly Wheeler Trail back to The Appleseed, and then around again as it will be a two-lap race. This would take place on Thursday, August 18, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. They are hoping for between 100 – 200 racers. Andrew asked Chief Shaughnessy if he had any concerns. The Chief asked if there will be volunteers to help with traffic direction. He said he is concerned about the intersection of High Street and West Main Street as well as Gillingham Road due to a blind spot. Tim said there would be volunteers and that the runners will be single file on High Street. There will be signs saying road race in progress. Karen asked if there would be porta-potties and Tim said yes, at the start/finish line. There was some discussion regarding parking. The Chief asked that no one parks on Main Street and Karen noted that there is no parking on the sidewalk. There could be parking at the Community Center, and Brown Shattuck. Karen asked Tim to put together a parking plan and come up with the 200 number. Tim will update to the new Select Board on March 14.

Town Meeting – Erica Gross – Erica said the Elementary School said we do not need to wear masks since the students won’t be at the school. Erica suggested putting the chairs more socially distant and have a special mask less section for residents who wish not to wear a mask. Discussion ensued. It was decided to have a mask-less section with seats next to each other and a mask section with socially distanced seats.

Public Input:

Andrew reported that this would be his last meeting as a Select Board member and he thanked his fellow Select Board members for working with him this past year, stating that it has been a privilege working with them, as well as with Town employees. He also enjoyed working with the Fire Department and Police Department and is grateful for their service to the Town. He also thanked Karen and her staff for working with the Select Board. He acknowledged all the boards he has worked with throughout the year as well.

Marlene said thank you to Andrew and Chris Frey for all of their hard work this year.

Mel thanked Andrew for all of the support he has given the Town this past year.

Regular and Old Business

  • The Board reviewed the minutes of the February 9 meeting.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to accept the minutes.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • The Board reviewed the minutes of the February 14 meeting.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to accept the minutes.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • The Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • Covid Protocol Update –There will be no changes at this time.

New Business:

  • Sign 2022 Town Warrant – Signed.
  • Sign Appointment of Election Inspectors – Signed.
  • Sign Veterans Tax Credit Recommendation – Signed.
  • Sign Veterans Tax Credit Elderly Exemption Recommendation – Signed.
  • Sign Application for Current Use Map 1 Lot 18 – Signed.
  • Sign Corrected Abatement Recommendation for Map 11 Lot 72– Signed.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • March 14, 2022

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3II (c) at 6:50 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to return to public session at 8:29 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:29 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Donna Long, Recording Secretary.