Selectmen’s Minutes 03.12.18

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance
Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm
Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Jim Bibbo, Selectman; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance


1. None

Regular Business:

1. Request from the Board for overtime details from Karen
2. John Pfeifle particularly noted the effectiveness of the Road Agent and team in managing the budget at an average spend on roads in Bradford at $7.65/mile compared to neighboring communities; Sutton $8.23/mile, Warner $12.53/mile, Newbury $12.48/mile, New London $19.70/mile, Washington $8.98/mile
3. John also noted that utilizing the forecasted CIP plan Town Hall would not be usable until 2025; concerns with delaying project discussed for talking points at Town Meeting
4. The Board conducted an overview of other Articles up for vote in preparation for Town Meeting; The Board discussed anticipation of a healthy review during the voting process
o Article Four Operating Budget feel the town will approve; John again mentioned that the Road crew does a tremendous job
o Article Five required removal of Forest Brook and Pleasant Valley Rd/Marshall Cemetery as those lots are unsellable
o Discussed the need for Article Seven thru Eleven to be held until after the results of Article Three, Town Hall $1.3m request , were known as the vote on those Articles may be affected by the Town Hall vote
o Article Twelve Bement Bridge no concerns
o Article Thirteen through Seventeen no concerns
o Article Eighteen, another CIP item, discussed that continuing current program which had upgraded 2 miles of roads per year, would result in 33% of roads upgraded over a 5 year period
o Article Twenty Two, Noise Ordinance, discussion about the concern in the ability to measure and manage as written, concerns resulting from repeated gunshots and explosive noise
5. Select Board discussed importance of supporting voters during Town Elections and verified schedules to insure a Selectman would be present during the election process
6. Accepted funds Towards Town Hall Restoration Trust Fund
7. Signed Treasurer Request for Tax Anticipation Funds
8. Select Board presented with information regarding a request to support National Donate Life Month in April to recognize organ donation from the Donate for Life organization; John Pfeifle motioned to support the request and Jim Bibbo seconded the motion
9. The Board discussed a letter from the NH Department of Environmental Services citing a well test result, on Naughton property, that exceeded the recommended level; It appears the test results were from 2015 and the well has been tested since then; follow up will be done to determine if any action is needed by Karen
10. The Board was informed of a Cease & Desist request received by the Planning Board that was under appeal and scheduled for review on March 21st, 2018 by the Zoning Board
11. Town employee reviews begin next week, Karen will coordinate
12. John Pfeifle took a moment to thank Sonny Harris for his service to the Town and Select Board, stating “I want to take a moment in the Town’s time to thank Sonny for his help these past 5 years with me and the past 6 years with the Town. His knowledge of the town, forest, lands, soil and people is unmatched in town. His concern for all citizens goes the extra mile. Bradford needs his continued leadership and guidance. Nothing against either of his opponents, both good smart guys. I hope they stay involved in town affairs. Please understand I feel Sonny’s quiet help is unmatched and needed. Please vote for Sonny. It has been an absolute pleasure working with this fine gentleman seated to my left.”
13. The Board and Town Administrator reviewed schedule of delivery for Town Meeting Annual Reports to insure availability for Town Meeting on March 14th, 2018
14. The Payroll Manifests were signed

Minutes of March 5th meeting were reviewed and accepted without changes.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday March 19, 2018 at the Bradford Community Center.

Meeting adjourned at 6:05pm

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn