Selectmen’s Minutes 03.19.18

Board of Selectmen Meeting
March 19, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance
Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm
Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Michael James, Selectman; Jim Bibbo, Selectman; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance

Edit to Minutes:

Jim Bibbo was appointed as the Selectmen Rep to the Planning Board, John Pfeifle is appointed to rep on the Historic District and clarification is needed to identify whether a representative is needed for the Conservation Committee


Regular Business:

1. Selectmen John Pfeifle and Jim Bibbo welcomed newly elected Selectman Michael James to the Board
2. John reviewed general meeting practices that the Board follows:
a. Appearances are scheduled generally at the upcoming meeting, coordinated by Karen Hambleton, upon request and heard 1st at each meeting
b. The Board then accepts questions or motions from the floor
c. Floor participation is managed by being recognized by the Board Chair to speak to facilitate an organized conversation
d. Meetings start at 5:30 PM every Monday unless Monday is a holiday; The schedule is posted on the Town website
3. Board elected Jim Bibbo as 2018 Selectmen Chair
4. Select Board signed appointments as presented by the Town Clerk
5. John Pfeifle reviewed at list of concerns that need to be addressed based upon the Town Meeting voting results:
a. Article Twenty One: “Protect Town Hall”
i. Need to insure the safety of the employees continuing to remain at the BCC; Chief Valiquet to establish requirements to insure access, egress and safety requirements are reviewed; Identify quotes to correct
ii. Jay Barrett, Town Hall Architect, is reviewing program to safely secure the Town Hall through 2023, when CIP would begin; cost elements and estimates expected the week of March 26th, 2018
iii. Capital Improvement Plan
iv. Deed restrictions exist on both the Town Hall and the Bradford Community Center
b. Other Warrant Activity: Need to finalize budget numbers and determine any impact to the tax rate
6. John added that the Budget Committee was very strong and he has confidence in their ability
7. John also raised the possibility of exploring more options with adjoining towns to merge services
8. It was also noted that reviews were underway for Town employees in paid positions
9. Jim Bibbo opened a conversation regarding the roles Sonny Harris had filled that would need to be reappointed; Sonny held Selectmen’s Representative to the Conservation and Planning Committees
10. Michael motioned to be the Representative to the Budget Committee, John seconded the motion to appoint Michael
11. Jim also noted that Sonny had been fulfilling the Forester role since the role had become vacant; The Board recommended requesting that Sonny continue in that role as a paid position; Karen will follow up with Sonny to see if he is interested
12. Record storage needs to be addressed; Plan had been to move/keep records in the Town Hall but the environmental conditions are not expected to meet the demands; Karen to do additional investigation on options
13. Two letters were received related to Town Meeting; Both related to raising feelings of discomfort with the Town Hall financial numbers by the Selectmen and Budget Committee as well as a lack of decorum after a debate had been called; Jim added that the comments he had heard revolved more around poor audience interaction with Jay Barrett; Claire James motioned the Board to speak, stating that she held some responsibility in how the CIP and tax rate impact had been communicated which has caused some of the discord; Jason Allen motioned to Board and wanted to add his appreciation of the accompanying slide show done during Town Meeting and how helpful the year over year comparisons had been
14. Driveway permit approved for Bruce Edwards on Pleasant Valley Road
15. The Board accepted funds for the Town Hall Restoration Trust Fund donate in Elinor Harris’s name (over $1,000 donate in Elinor’s name to date) as well as a reoccurring pledge donation
16. A statement concerning a Lot Line Adjustment done in 2008 for 121 E. Main Street; While the adjustment had been approved the Tax Map had not been updated; Board signed statement validating adjustment
17. Michael James requested a moment to address the Town related to the letters received concerning his appearance at Town Meeting; He stated his intent is to educate or raise discussion around items that others have raised to him and he never desires to belittle or make anyone feel they can’t speak. His statements are never done with negative intentions and he apologized if his behaviors were perceived that way
18. The Account Payable and Payroll Manifests were signed
19. Jim moved to accept the Minutes of March 12th SB Meeting, Michael seconded
20. A question was raised about what the process would be if the Town was named in a lawsuit; Jim stated that the Town would engage its legal representation and would likely go to court; The Town carries liability insurance that protects the taxpayers against any financial impact
Public Meeting adjourned at 6:12 PM
Non-public session entered per RSA 91-A:3llc at 6:13

Resumed public session at 6:28

The Board and Administrator chatted about various items – no decisions were made.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday March 26th, 2018 at the Bradford Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn
43/18 Corrected John Bibbo elected Chair to Jim Bibbo