Selectmen’s Minutes 04.02.18

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes
April 2, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm

Roll Call- Jim Bibbo, Chairman; John Pfeifle, Selectman; Michael James, Selectman; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance

Appearances (3:00 pm):

Jay Barrett, the architect that has been supporting the Town Hall Renovation project, met with the Select Board to provide an update on the scope of work required to best protect the building in a safe and secure manner for an estimate of 5 years or greater. Jay has been working with Trumbull Nelson Construction, the General Contractor, to identify the necessary steps to secure the Town Hall in a manner that protects the investment the Town has made in the property, as voted with Article Twenty One at Town Meeting.

His initial review outlines an estimated timeline of 6 weeks at a cost of $201,436 to complete the protection activity. This does not include an estimate of $5,000 that needs to be added to address areas of the roof that are currently leaking. Jim Bibbo noted that there is $24,000 in donations designated to help fund the cutting and installation of the granite for the foundation.

There was discussion about modifying the scope of work to stay within the authorized budget as well as some brainstorming around various heating solution alternatives. Jay will work on gathering additional details and figures as well as getting additional bids, particularly as it relates to the heating system for review with the Board at a future meeting.

Regular Business (5:30 pm):

1. The Board discussed implementation of RSA 79-E, the Community Revitalization Program. The Board will reconvene next week to review the Commercial Zoning map and adopt an application which will be communicated on the Town website along with the program overview.
2. Karen provided an update on the progress of cleanup activity at 18 Massasecum Avenue, presenting pictures taken by Chief Valiquet on April 2nd, 2018, and noting a dramatic improvement. Karen will ask the Chief to verify whether the property is now in compliance with Town Ordinance.
3. The Board signed new appointments for Beth Downs as Trustee of the Trust Funds and Amelia Dohrn as Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector.
4. The Board signed a reoccurring Junkyard Permit for Larry’s Salvage.
5. All Board members signed the Treasurer’s Request for Town Hall Funds as well as a Request for Tax Anticipation Funds
6. Karen raised a concern with the Board related to revenue that would be raised from vendor booth rentals at the 4th of July Celebration and a desire by the 4th of July organizer to donate those rental fees to the Friends’ of the BACC. Since tax dollars support the 4th of July event, she wants to ensure there is no appearance that tax dollars are being used to fund a donation to an outside organization. She will follow up with the NH Municipal Association for direction.
7. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
Minutes of March 26th, 2018 meeting were accepted; Further amendment to the March 19th, 2018 meetings minutes to correct a typo reading “John Bibbo” to “Jim Bibbo”.

Public Meeting adjourned at 6:10 PM

Non-public session entered per RSA 91-A:3lla at 6:11 PM

Employee evaluations were reviewed.

Resumed public session at 6:27

Meeting adjourned at 6:28

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday April 9th, 2018 at the Bradford Community Center

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn