Selectmen’s Minutes 04.06.20

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

Roll Call – Jason Allen (Chair), Michael James, Marlene Freyler and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance via ZOOM.

Pledge of Allegiance

Jason Allen announced that, per Executive Order number 12, the Town will be using ZOOM and Live Stream to broadcast Board meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • At the Boards request, Police Chief Jim Valiquet appeared to provide the Board with any concerns the Board should be aware of concerning the resident base at NFI. The Chief outlined several issues that had occurred when there was a juvenile residence base and noted the Police Department has had minimal need to be engaged since the resident base changed. The situation is much different today. The current residents are residing at NFI based upon an agreement between the resident and the State. The Chief’s observation has been that NFI has been very prompt to address any concerns. He stated the previous resident base was much more intrusive and impactful to the Town. He expressed the facility is well-managed, residents remain primarily on-site and are well-supervised. The Police Department has transported residents to Concord and has had to register one resident. The Board agreed no further follow up was needed.

Regular Business: 

  • The Board reviewed the minutes from the March 23rd, 2020 meeting.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to approve the minutes March 23rd, 2020 minutes.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor.

The minutes from March 30th, 2020 will be reviewed at the next meeting.

  • Account Payables and the Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • Jim Valiquet spoke on behalf of the Bradford Area Community Center’s Governance Board. The Community Action Program (CAP) which provides Meals on Wheels for seniors, has requested that modifications be made to the BACC kitchen to comply with commercial kitchen requirements as identified by a State inspection. CAP has procured a new dishwasher that meets necessary requirements and has asked the BACC to pay for the dishwasher’s installation as well as a three-bay-sink. The Board discussed the requirements and Jason asked that a document be provided that outlines the modifications and costs associated to complete the upgrades. The Board discussed funding sources for the work. The upgrades are estimated to cost approximately $5,000. Laurie Colburn asked whether this would be something that should be reviewed by the Town Facilities Supervisor role that was approved at Town Meeting. Karen responded that they do not have a person yet but that is an agenda item for tonight’s meeting.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to support the improvements at the BACC.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor.

  • Chris Olsen, interim Fire Chief, who started March 13th, provided the Board with an update on the Fire Department. He thanked all the volunteer Fire Fighters and EMS personnel. He complimented the team on their performance and dedication. The Department is working on updating their standard operating procedures and guidelines as well as job descriptions, clarifying areas of responsibilities. The Chief is collecting applications from the department members to get up to speed on experience and certifications. There are 21 Fire Fighters with 1 new Fire Fighter added recently. The Chief plans to start a recruitment program and hopes to increase engagement in the community as the COVID-19 restrictions relax. Administration is a large focus for Chief Olsen. His goal is to have the administrative components well-organized for an incoming Fire Chief. Jason commented that the Selectmen hope to publish an advertisement for a permanent part-time Fire Chief in about 3 weeks, in conjunction with Municipal Resources Inc.
  • The Board discussed reinforcing Bradford’s Road Bond policy. The policy, established in 1990, had been amended in 2011 to rescind an automatic bond requirement of $10,000, replacing the requirement with an individual assessment process. The Town will begin enforcing the use of the policy as appropriate. Karen has created a Road Use Agreement which will be reviewed at the next meeting. Michael would like to see a checklist created around Timber Tax, and other events, that ensures a Road Bond review happens when appropriate.
  • The Board adopted a Town Facilities Supervisor job description and discussed appointment of the role.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to accept the job description.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to appoint Walter Royal to the Town Facilities Supervisor position.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor.

  • Karen provided the Board with a draft COVID-19 policy document, for Bradford, which complies with Executive Orders from the State. The Policy will expire in December of 2020.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adopt the Emergency Policies in response to the COVID-19 global health pandemic.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0 in favor.

  • A follow up concerning enforcing fee requirements for disposal items at the Transfer Station was discussed. Jason feels that proper signage should be displayed at the Transfer Station outlining what disposal items will incur a fee. Michael will follow up with Lois Kilnapp, Transfer Station Manager, about getting signs made. The Selectmen’s Office will have signs printed to support this effort.
  • The Board discussed establishing Town email addresses, for all employees, per the recommendation of Town Council. Andrew Pinard, who supports the Town’s email requirements with the current provider, outlined some concerns that may want to be addressed related to record retention as well as recommending the Town establish an email policy. Andrew recommended identifying the legal requirements and perhaps speaking to the School District to understand the policy they have implemented. Jason asked that the Town follow up with Steve Buckley, Legal Counsel for the New Hampshire Municipal Association to identify requirements and best practices. Karen will follow up and add the topic to the next agenda. Email addresses will be established for the Board in the meantime.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to establish email accounts for the Selectmen.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 2-1 in favor. Marlene Freyler would like to have more information available first.

  • An appointment of Steve Hall, as Town Road Agent, was signed.
  • Per Department of Revenue requirements, the Board signed the MS-232 which documents the Voted Appropriations from Town Meeting.
  • The Board signed a contract renewal with I AM RESPONDING for use by the Fire Department.
  • The Board signed a revised Promissory Note for the Tax Anticipation Note.
  • Michael outlined an interest in having the Town look into converting to GSuite ($6/monthly per user) as a potential resource for email as well as Google Hangouts which could possibly replace Zoom (Video Conferencing resource at  $15/monthly cost), as well as other Google’s other products which could replace the currently used Microsoft Office products. Michael will do some research and Karen will reach out to other Town Administrators and New Hampshire Municipal Association to see if there is any feedback.
  • Jason signed several Personnel Action Requests, Marlene and Michael will stop in the office to add their signatures.
  • Marlene asked where the material is being stored that was salvaged from the Dunfield Road School House site. Michael outlined that the historical aspects of the building are being salvaged and the material is still onsite. They are looking for a home to store the material. The Historical Society does not have the bandwidth to take on the project right now. Karen asked about whether documentation was available that would support reconstruction in the future. Michael outlined a replication effort would be more appropriate as there was too much damage done to the structure to reconstruct it.

Public Input:

  • Brooks McCandlish attended via video as a follow up to his concerns that the 2019 Selectmen’s Commentary, presented in the 2019 Annual Report, did not accurately represent the facts related to discontinuing the search to fill the Fire Chief role. Brooks outlined that his commentary represents his personal views and he is not speaking on behalf of the Fire Department. Brooks presented a timeline of events and outlined the Fire Department appointing a Fire Chief after the Select Board suspended the search for a new Fire Chief. He feels that mistakes have been made in the past and wants the Board to consult with the Fire Department prior to appointing a new Fire Chief. The Board felt there was not a collaborative process or working environment between the representation of the Fire Department and the Board and subsequently suspended the interview the process. The Board did not have the authority to appoint a Fire Chief until March of 2020. Brooks outlined a review of applicants had been conducted by the Fire Department members and that a candidate had been identified, Gary Dion, during the interview process. The Fire Department’s representation, who was working with the Select Board communicated the members’ choice. He reiterated that he would like to see the Board operate in a collaborative environment going forward.
  • Mark Goldberg attended by phone. He stated the interview process was flawed and the lack of collaboration was on the part of the Select Board. He wanted to know why Gary Dion was not acceptable as Chief. Jason reiterated that the hiring process was suspended due to the lack of collaboration by the Fire Department’s representative. Mark Goldberg felt there was no reason to continue since the Fire Department had stated their choice for Chief would be Gary Dion. He added that the Town is wasting money working with MRI. Michael outlined that the Board is continuing the process, begun in 2019 with Municipal Resources Inc., to identify a new Fire Chief.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned at adjourn at 8:58pm.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday April 20th, 2020, at 7:00pm, at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary