Selectmen’s Minutes 04.10.23

Select Board Meeting called to order at 6:01 pm

Roll Call: Marlene Freyler, Beth Downs, Mel Pfeifle

Also in attendance Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator

Elect a Chair: Marlene suggested Mel was next in line to serve as chair. Mel wished to pass it to Beth Downs.

Motion: Marlene Freyler moves to elect Beth Downs Chairman of the Board

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 2-0

The Board agreed to keep the present meeting schedule meeting on the second and fourth Mondays of each month.

Review Minutes

Minutes of March 13, 2023

Motion: Marlene Freyler made a motion to accept minutes of March 13

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0


Bryan Nowell – Fire Chief:

Call statistics: In 2022, January to April 10, 69 calls, 29 EMS and 40 Fire classification. In 2023, for the same time period, 54 calls 28 EMS and 26 Fire. In April 2023, 11 calls to date 6 EMS and 5 fire March 2023, 27 calls 9 EMS and 18 Fire

Blood drive:  May 9, 2023 12:00-5:00 pm please sign up online

Street Numbering Program: Up and running. There have been 14 requests since Town Meeting

Budget items: Personal Protection Equipment – PPE: New PPE for new people and expired. Mel asked where the budget will stand when this round is complete. There will be a buffer of two sets. The funding for this will need to be arranged. Karen asked that the payment be made in July. $25K Fire Department Equipment Expendable Trust Fund will be funded in July, Bryan will order and fulfillment takes 100 days. Bryan is trying to stagger expiration and PPE for new hires. He’s planning on needing four sets again next year.

Discussion of sizing of PPE and longevity of service: We’re trying to avoid turning someone away due to lack of equipment.

Discussion of property on Bible Hill Road: There is no number, the property is full of garbage and junk. The Fire Department has been there on fire calls and complaints. Bryan requested that the property owner be notified by the Select Board.

PSA: Now that the snow is gone burning requires a burn permit. Wind, warm dry temperatures, will bring danger of out-of-control fire. A fire permit is needed and burning is allowed after 5 pm as the weather is cooler in the evening. Permits are available from Steve Hanson, Fire Warden. He can usually be found at the Lumber Barn.

Emergency Management Director and Health Officer positions: Bryan has accepted the Emergency Management Director position. Further discussion of time required and payment is needed regarding the Health Officer position

Motion: Mel Pfeifle made a motion to appoint Bryan Nowell as Emergency Management Director

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0

Backup Electricity: Homeland Security has funding available. Towns facilities are eligible for backup electricity at $75K per building. Bryan is working on applications.

Public Input: None

Regular and Old Business:

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature. Signed.

Town Hall Update: The wiring is almost 100% in and insulation is starting. The safe door has moved into the basement. The water line from the well to the building has been laid; the septic has been approved and a deposit is made. The Board discussed not purchasing the underground propane tank. Future arrangements for the tank are made between providers. Mel wants due diligence on the tank arrangements and will reach out for more information. Karen will look at the contract. The furnace currently in place cannot not be phased into the renovation plan. What to do with the furnace? The possibility of using it in other town facilities and reselling it were discussed. A larger capacity furnace is replacing this one.

Town Meeting Recap

  • Article 8: $404,000 – Grader. We will hear next week whether or not we’ve been selected for the grant.
  • Road maintenance articles: Steve is working on this.
  • Revaluation: The Board decided not to proceed with this in 2023; the funding will be used when revaluation happens in 2025.
  • Communications Equipment: Fire and Police will be working on purchasing equipment.
  • Fire Department Equipment Expendable Trust Fund: Bryan is working on this. See notes in his appearance earlier.
  • Masonic Building: Lengthy discussion see notes later in the meeting.
  • Fire Station Weatherization: Sandra Bravo will be at the next meeting. Mel wants to make sure that in the future, plans are submitted through the planning process with the Budget Committee and Capital Improvement Plan. Discussion of communication between committees and select board.

Update on State of NH vs 3M lawsuit: This is on hold for now.

PSNH easement: Discussion of the movement of a pole to power Town Hall. Select Board asked that the Town’s attorney review the proposed easement.

New Business:

Karen on dispelling misinformation. Karen would like to raise and correct misinformation at Select Board meetings. The following issues have come to her attention recently:

  • Fire chief submitting petition for razing Mason Hall: Fire Chief did not submit the petition because he is not a Bradford resident. Bradford residents submitted the petition.
  • Election results were not posted in a timely fashion: On the evening of March 29 results were posted on the BACC doors, on wall outside of Town Clerk office, posted everywhere they needed to be. Technical difficulties with layout on the website took a little longer.
  • Septic system under the Town Hall: The Town Hall will not be lifted and put back down again. The septic system, cisterns, and electricity conduit will all be placed under the parking lot. Town Hall questions should be directed to Karen, or check the Bradford Bridge, for the streams of the meetings, or come to the meetings. Information is available for the asking.
  • Demolition Waste:
    • Someone heard that Naughton & Sons wasn’t taking demo waste. Lois spoke with Naughton & Sons and this is not true. Naughton is taking demo waste. The Bradford Transfer Station and Naughton have a good working relationship.
    • Some people are reporting that Naughton is not taking demolition waste so that the Transfer Station will then need to take it.
    • There is a problem with Naughton not being available after 4:00pm or on Saturday. Therefore, people need to take time off from work to dispose of waste.
    • Discussion of solution of providing staffing for Naughton on Saturdays. Karen says that the Town could not do this.
    • Another solution is if it were placed at the Transfer Station, to have one access road with a scale (expensive).  This would help avoid flat tires due to nails left on the ground after dumping.
    • Lois will talk with George Naughton to see if there is an arrangement for people to take demo waste to Naughton after 4 pm. Mel will follow up if necessary.

Suggested Goals of the Board Members and Karen for 2023:


  • Wants to get people to come to meetings and participate. And getting committees to communicate with each other. Devin wants to help do this. There could be some meet and greets/networking events.
  • Discussion of general plans to bring ideas before committees, move plans through the funding process to Town Meeting.


  • Moving forward with organizing information about the Masonic Building. Organize a committee comprised of Fire Department, Historical Society, and Economic Development Committee. Beth suggested a public forum in May. General agreement within the Board that all stakeholders need to come forward to contribute ideas.
  • Select Board to task the Planning Board to begin work on the Master Plan.
  • Trustee of Trust Funds follow up.


  • Financial policies and procedures need to be organized and documented.
  • Financial investments need to be maximized, organized, and documented.
  • Employee Handbook updated. (This is currently under way at the Dept Head level.)
  • Decision on Easter as a holiday.


  • Revisit the purchasing policy.
  • Information gathering for town projects so that potential grant applications can be sought with solid information in hand.
  • Town Hall auditorium – what is the plan to outfit. How will it be funded?
  • What is the plan for gravel?
  • Camper/trailer policy identify scope and enforcement.

Select Board Representation on Committees:

  • Beth feels strongly that Select Board members stay with their current committee assignments. Members agree.
    • Discussion of how often Department Heads come to Select Board meetings to report. Discussion of how often the Energy Committee and Economic Development Committee report to the Board.
    • Discussion of how Department Heads report on budget spending.
    • Lengthy discussion of when and how funds are spent.

Electric Rates: Rates have increased $.002. Karen is watching.

Evaluations: Discussion of scheduling evaluations for Department Heads: Two on one day. Two on another day. The goal is to get evaluations done by the end of April. Karen will give board members the individuals evaluations, members make notes, and the final evaluation will be put together and filed.

Discussion of the distribution of the 5% increase. The Town budgeted for an overall 5% increase. How should that be distributed? 3% Cost of Living Allowance (COLA), 2% merit-based?

Motion: Mel Pfeifle made a motion to distribute the 5% pay increase as a 3% COLA and 2% merit-based increase. The 2% merit portion will be distributed to employees based on the recommendation of the department head.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3II (a) at 8:26 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to return to public session at 9:02 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 p.m.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Upcoming meeting:  April 24, 2023

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Bigford