Selectmen’s Minutes 04.23.18

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

April 23, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm

Roll Call- Jim Bibbo, Chairman; John Pfeifle, Selectman; Michael James, Selectman; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance


  1. Claire James appeared to make the Select Board aware that the Planning Board will be sending them a letter requesting assistance to address Zoning violations at the Antique Store, Map 17/Lot 61. Claire will provide specifics on which Ordinances are being violated, along with a history of the Planning Boards efforts to address the violations, and the Select Board will review the request once submitted in writing.


  1. Jim Lord requested the Board identify a point person though which burials should be coordinated. Diane Whalley, most recent Cemetery Commission Chair, but is no longer on the Cemetery Commission. Karen will take the lead on following up to insure no issues arise with spring burials.


  1. David Nunnally was also present and requested an update on whether gravel, and in what quantity and quality had already been purchased from Barry Wheeler for 2018. John Pfeifle stated the gravel quality is what had been used previously and was from the same vein. Karen believes the Town was invoiced for approximately 1,000 of the 2,000 yard purchase planned. David wanted to find out if that delivery had utilized posted roads. The Board will follow up on this question. David also asked whether Town equipment is being used to load the gravel into trucks for transportation. He asked what Town equipment was being used to process the gravel and the Board will follow up on this question as well. Jim Bibbo outlined the decision process undergone to utilize gravel from Barry, and noted that Barry’s supply was nearly exhausted and a new supplier would need to be found. David is looking for the true cost per yard of the gravel including any Town equipment that may be utilized in processing.


  1. Marlene Freyler asked the Board about whether the stones at the Town Hall were going to be crushed. The Board stated those would be utilized in the construction of the Rail Trail Bridge over Lake Todd.


Regular Business:


  1. Tall Pines had requested the Town issue a Quit Claim Deed for the area previously occupied by Center Road to update their property parcel. Jim Bibbo stated he could see the need for action if the road was being widened but doesn’t see the value, versus the cost to complete the transaction, for taking action now. He added that any such proposal would need a Warrant Article presented at Town Meeting. John agreed and Michael asked what could happen if the Town denied the request. The Board felt the property owner could deny a temporary construction easement for work on the Bement Bridge but had the option of presenting a Warrant Article petition in 2019.


Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to deny the request

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor


  1. The Board discussed implementation of the Community Revitalization RSA 79-E, Property Tax Relief Program, which had previously been adopted by the Town. This program allows for a waiver on an increase in taxes for a period of time that results from capital improvements made by a business. This RSA will apply to property within the Business/Residential District and Jim Bibbo (or Michael?) outlined utilization of the process, and forms, that the Town of Exeter has used. Karen will follow up to see if she can get a copy of an electronic version. The Board discussed methods to socialize the program including posting on the Town website and compiling a list of businesses for targeted communication. Michael will recuse himself and submit the Bradford Inn property to test the process once implemented.


  1. Jim Bibbo provided an update on the meeting held with the Town of Sutton related to implementing more joint town efforts to create efficiencies in spending as well as services. Both Town Administrators will be developing a proposed list of opportunities for review and prioritization.


Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to allow Sutton residents to bring corrugated cardboard to the Bradford Recycling Center (this saves disposal costs for Sutton and earns revenue for Bradford)

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor, post discussion with Lois and establishing a process to manage residents


  1. A Town Hall update with Jay Barrett, Architect, was targeted for April 30th but was pushed back to May 7th as Jay is still gathering quotes and details, related primarily to the granite work, heating system and an alarm system. Trumbull Nelson has almost wrapped up the scope of work funded by the 2017 bond Warrant and will be moving into work related to buttoning up the building. Michael James expressed concern with moving into that phase prior to establishing a final scope of work. John and Karen will push for a list of what absolute “must do’s” Trumbull Nelson is planning to do over the next 2 weeks.


  1. Jason Grey was appointed Library Trustee.


  1. The Board signed a Personnel Action Form for a rate change, which was part of the employee’s hiring agreement.


  1. The Selectmen signed an Abatement Request for Current Use Penalties Map 4/Lot 28, as previously agreed to by the Town.


  1. A reoccurring donation to Town Hall Trust Fund was accepted.


  1. Karen mentioned that Lois Kilnapp and a team from NFI had done a great job on Rt. 103 cleaning up trash alongside the roadway. John commented that they would also be working at the Transfer Station painting buildings.


  1. John requested Karen follow up with the Police Chief on an estimate for making the Town Offices safe and secure for employees given there would be no foreseeable move into the Town Hall.


  1. The Board discussed cell coverage and disappointment in Verizon Wireless’ lack of response. The Board is awaiting feedback from adjoining Towns with towers that would need repeaters to get coverage to the Bradford tower. Karen will follow up with the Towns if no response is heard by May 15th and the Board will determine next steps by June 1st.


  1. Karen provided a follow up for the Board related to Town property sales, stating the sales would be conducted by competitive bid as outlined in the amended Town Warrant Article.


  1. An expense review will be added to the next Select Board agenda.
  2. Jim Bibbo explained that invitations had been sent to 5 individuals to help establish an Economic Development Committee for Bradford. This Committee’s role will be to identify a vision for the Town and then actively seek businesses that fit that role, to come to Bradford, as part of his involvement with the Regional Economic Development Strategy organization.


  1. The Board was informed of an invitation to an event at the NH Telephone Museum in Warner.


  1. Ice out on Massasecum Lake was discussed.


  1. The Treasurer stated there are 3 aging escrow accounts that need to be closed.


  1. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were presented, reviewed by the Board and signed.


  1. Minutes of April 9th meeting:


Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to accept

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor


Motion: Jim Bibbo motioned to adjourn at 7:30 PM

Second: John Pfeifle

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor


Public Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM


The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday April 30th, 2018 at the Bradford Area Community Center.


Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn