Selectmen’s Minutes 04.24.23

Select Board Meeting called to order at 4:34 pm.

Roll Call: Marlene Freyler, Beth Downs, Mel Pfeifle

Motion: Mel Pfeifle moved to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3II (a) at 4:34 pm.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0

Motion: Mel Pfeifle motioned to return to public session and recess the meeting at 5:52 p.m.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Call to Order:  6:02 pm

Others present: Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator; Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary

Review Minutes of March 27, 2023

Motion: Mel Pfeifle made a motion to accept the minutes of March 27th

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0


Ryan Cilley: Appeared to request that the Bradford PD patrol East Main Street for speeding. Ryan said he has called the Police Department several times without results. Specifically, Ryan would like police presence on East Main Street from 7-9 am and 2-4 pm daily. Beth said the “your speed” sign needs to be programmed and that could help remind drivers. Ryan agreed to come back with a report after the sign is operational.

Lois Kilnapp appeared to report that she had a conversation with George Naughton about changing the hours at Naughton and Sons to accept demo. George said that the scales could be kept open until 4:30 pm. Arrangements can be made if there is an emergency.

Steve Hall, Road Agent:

Fire pond: A tree has fallen into the pond and the fence has broken at the fire pond at 12 Old Warner Road.  Repair will require removing the tree from the pond and fixing the fence. Short term, permission will be needed from landowner to make the repair. Long-term, Karen Hambleton suggested an easement to protect the water resource on the property. Fire Chief Bryan Nowell will follow up with the landowner and right of way owner with a letter of permission for this one-time repair. Matt Monahan will be contacted to get procedure for easement.

Drainage problem on Water Street: Steve explained a water drainage problem on Water Street. It was determined that the major part of the problem is on private property.

Sinkhole in the sidewalk on the bridge near the Fire Station: Engineering and permitting is estimated at $33k. Discussion of the options for short- and long-term solutions. Need to determine where the State/Town boundary line lies. Steve will contact the State for definition.

Grader: Jason from United Construction & Forestry, the vendor for the grader Bradford wants to purchase, appeared to help with the purchase of the grader. There is a grader available now that matches Bradford’s criteria. The purchase situation is that, due to Bradford’s eligibility for $101K of grant funding, the grader purchase cannot be made until the Governor and Council approve the funding which could take an unknown amount of time. There was a discussion of rental vs purchase of the grader to meet the requirements of the grant. Jason said United would not agree to this because this grader is available now and Jason knows that it could be sold immediately. The Board agreed to give Karen Hambleton permission to draft a letter of intent to purchase the grader as soon as grand funding is approved. Jason will take it to United Construction’s Board for approval.

Board approved the contract for Pike to do proposed paving.

Steve presented numbers for replacing culverts, for mowing and for purchasing gravel.

Steve requested permission to purchase a reversible plate compactor.

Motion: Marlene Freyler made a motion to give Steve permission to purchase a reversible plate compactor from the 2015 Town Equipment Repair and Purchase Expendable Trust Fund not to exceed $4500.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Steve has been asked by the property owner of 493 Center Road about building a stone wall. Karen will respond to the property owner’s question about building on the right of way.         

Public Input: None

Regular and Old Business:

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature: Done

Town Hall Update: Paint colors for some of the spaces have been decided. Board requested that vinyl flooring be investigated for the office. There was a 3’ hole dug into the basement to house the sprinkler pump. Wiring in walls of auditorium is complete. Sheet rocking is under way. Aero-Barrier will be happening this week. Windows are coming back.

Motion: Beth Downs moved that the Board approve $103,705.23 from the American Rescue Plan Act funds be used for Town Hall for:  Energy efficiency saving measures above original code, installing security measures, running wires behind walls in the Auditorium, site work not covered in original contract.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Select Board and Town Administrator Goals for 2023

Marlene Freyler: Foster and organize residents to participate in Town meetings. Marlene also wants to help with inter-committee communication.

Mel Pfeifle: Organization of information about the Masonic Building. Presentation of a plan at Town Meeting 2024.

Beth Downs: Organization and documentation of financial policies and procedures, and maximization of financial investments.

Karen Hambleton: Town Hall auditorium: What is needed for operation and how will it be funded?

First Quarter Expenses: Current year is at 79.52% or $2,224,714 remaining in the operating budget.

New Business:

Feedback from April 10th meeting: Karen received emails with concerns about behavior of Board members at April 10 meeting. Marlene Freyler apologized if anyone was offended by her words or actions at the April 10, 2023 meeting. The Select Board has agreed to do a better job of running Board meetings.

Post Town Meeting Capital Purchase Process: Recipients of funding appropriated at Town Meeting will be asked to report to the Board about how the funding will be spent before orders are placed.

Grader Grant: In late March, Harry Wright, Karen Hambleton and Steve Hall submitted a proposal to the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) for funding to replace Bradford’s 1989 road grader. A Warrant article passed at Town Meeting to raise $404k for the grader. Karen recently received word from NHDES that the application has resulted in a grant opportunity of approximately 25% of the cost of the grader. 

The condition of the grant: “The 2022 NH Clean Diesel Grant Program’s Scoring Committee has scored the Town of Bradford’s proposal to replace the 1989 grader with a new diesel grader and has selected the project for funding. Congratulations! This is the first step towards project approval. Please note: this notice of project selection does not mean that the project has been approved for funding. We will work with you to develop a formal grant agreement that must be approved by the Governor and Executive Council (G&C). Funds expended prior to receiving a Notice to Proceed from NHDES are not eligible for reimbursement.

Two motions pursuant to the above grant:

Motion: Beth Downs moved that the Board agree to enter into a grant agreement and accept funds towards the completion of the grader project if approved by the Governor and Executive Council.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0

Motion: Mel Pfeifle moved that Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, be named the authorized official to do all things necessary arrangements for the acceptance and execution of the grant.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 2-0, Marlene Absent

Motion pursuant to grant received by Bradford Police Department

Motion:  Beth Downs moved to accept the 2022 Homeland Security Search & Rescue Grant through the Department of Safety in the amount of $45,456.71 and to name the Chief of Police, Ed Shaughnessy, the authorized official to do all things necessary for the acceptance and execution of the grant.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 2-0

Electric Rates: Rates are creeping up slowly. Board will lock in Town electricity rate at 10.8 cents for December 2023 – November 2024.

Letter from Kearsarge Food Hub: The letter requested the Town’s support in obtaining a combination beer and wine liquor license for off-premise consumption only.

Motion: Beth Downs made a motion to approve support for the Kearsarge Food Hub/Sweet Beet Market’s application to sell beer and wine.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Veteran’s Credits and Solar Exemptions (4) were signed by all Select Board members.

Junk Yard License Renewal was approved and signed for Lawrence McDonald.

Motion: Beth Downs moved to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3II (l) at 9:02 pm.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to return to public session at 9:10 p.m.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Upcoming meetings:     

April 26, 2023 1 pm non-public (performance reviews)

May 8, 2023

May 22, 2023

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Bigford