Selectmen’s Minutes 04.26.21

Select Board Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm

Roll Call – Andrew Pinard (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Mel Pfeifle and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.


Marilyn Goldberg – Marilyn presented documents to delegate deposit authority for Bar Harbor Bank and Trust to Erica Gross and Ian Foss and to allow them to transfer funds to State’s Citizens Bank account. The Select Board signed both documents.

Fire Chief – to repair Engine 2 or not – Jeff LeBlanc shared a list of pros and cons and asked if the Board would like a second opinion on addressing the pumping failure of Engine 2. Jeff explained the current engine runs well but doesn’t have all of the cabinet space that is needed for a primary engine nor does it carry as much water. He said he thinks it would be feasible to have someone look into the Engine 2 to see if it is worth fixing. Jeff also said this is not a long-term solution but will be good for about another year. His recommendation is to look into repairing it for the short term. Marlene was told the pump failed. Jeff said yes, it did fail some of the testing. He explained what tests failed. Marlene said she is also concerned that the engine is already 28 years old because the lifespan of a firetruck is 30 years. She and the Fire Chief agree that the engine will be not allowed to be used once it hits 30 years old. Andrew said it is important to know if we can legally go a little longer so the Town can make it to the three-year mark to purchase another engine. If so, then the Town would not purchase an engine now, if not, then the Town would need to consider purchasing an engine now since the repair would only last one year. The Fire Chief said there will be a delay in response time to incidents due to the fact that the Town is down one truck. Andrew said that the townspeople who voted on this at Town Meeting were made aware of this when they voted. Jeff will bring NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) information on the verbiage of the age of a truck to the next meeting.

Road Agent – Hogg Hill Road, Oakdale Road, Jones Road Pit – Steve Hall distributed photos showing the island at the end of Hogg Hill Road. He said it is difficult for plows and busses to get around the island. He wants to flare the road and take out the island.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to eliminate the island at the intersection of Cressy Road, Hogg Hill Road and Marshall Hill Road.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Steve said there is a resident who is upset about Oakdale Road because of some rough spots on the road. He said they have done some patching, but it is still in bad shape. Andrew asked what the priority is to fix this road. Steve said it is not high priority and that he can try to do some more patchwork. The consensus of the Select Board is to leave this to the discretion of the Road Agent to fit it in as possible.

There was discussion about the reclamation of the Jones Road pit and a proposed agreement with an abutter. Karen suggested that the agreement might include a sketch of the property impacted by the agreement. Andrew agrees that more information would be helpful. Andrew asked what the value to the town is in the sand pit. Steve said a 3 to 1 slope is required when the reclamation is complete.

Karen distributed a driveway permit that needs to be signed. Steve said he would like to talk to the landowner to discuss the slope of the driveway. Andrew said they will sign off on the permit after the Road Agent meets with the property owner.

Steve said the sweepers are coming in next week and that there was a lighting audit done on the building. He asked that the Town send a thank you note to Tyler Lawn Care for their work sweeping the sidewalks. He also mentioned that someone is coming to look at the well.

Steve asked if he can occasionally take the Town pick-up truck home when he needs to come back to work to attend a Select Board meeting. Andrew asked what the mileage is to his house and he said about 10 miles. Karen said they should look at the Personnel Policy. Steve said they checked with the insurance company and it would be covered through insurance. Mel would like to look at the policy as well. Andrew said if they allow for one department, it needs to follow through to other departments.

Marlene asked if mowing will be done this year and Steve said yes.

Andrew said the Tilley Wheeler trail is a swamp at the beginning and end of the trail. Steve will take a look at this.

Public Input:

Mark Goldberg had some comments about Engine 2. He said the pump was rebuilt about six years ago. He shared some recommendations. Andrew thanked Mark for the feedback.

Regular and Old Business

  • The Board reviewed the minutes of the April 12th meeting.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to accept the minutes.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • The Board reviewed the minutes of the April 14th meeting.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to accept the minutes.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • The Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • Review COVID-19 Guidelines for Town Buildings – Karen wanted to touch base on the current guidelines. She asked the Board if they still wanted to have a mask mandate even though the Governor lifted his mandate. Andrew would like to have all public facilities in the Town of Bradford continue with the mask mandate whenever people cannot maintain the six feet distance.

Motion: Andrew Pinard motioned to maintain the COVID-19 guidelines in all public facilities in the Town of Bradford until further notice.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • Review 1st Quarter Expenses – The Board reviewed the expenses. Andrew reported that the Town has currently spent 19% of the overall operating budget and is doing a great job with the budget thus far.
  • Select Board Goals – Andrew suggested pushing this agenda item out two weeks.
  • Masonic Building – Mel shared a report on the building. She said the wiring looks to be okay. She has been in contact with someone who would like to use the building three days a week through the summer and early fall. Marlene was talking to Paul Gross and he said the roof needs repair. Marlene said this is a safety issue since tiles are falling off the roof. Marlene said this should go to the Planning Board to receive approval. Andrew agreed with Marlene. By consensus it was decided that anyone interested in pursuing the use of the Masonic building should be sent to the Planning Board.
  • Code Enforcement – Andrew thanked Marlene and Mel for working on the wording of this job description. The Board agreed that they would like some experience is preferred but the Town will send them to classes for certification as necessary. Andrew would like to advertise and start notifying as soon as possible. Marlene and Karen will make the final adjustments to the finished job description and will bring to the next meeting for Board approval. Andrew would like to offer an interim, four-week position to Chip Meany until we can fill the position.

Motion: Andrew Pinard motioned to enter into a four-week interim contract with Chip Meany to serve as an employee with the possibility of an extension until the Town fills the position.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • Central NH Regional Planning Commission Contract – The Select Board signed the contract.
  • Rain Date for Fireworks/French’s Park – Devin Pendleton said that Parks & Recreation suggests the rain date for the Fourth of July fireworks be Saturday, September 25th. The consensus was that the Select Board agreed with this rain date and gave Devin the authority to request the contract. Devin suggested the French’s Park attendant be on-site on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from noon to 6 from early June through Labor Day at $11/hour. The responsibilities will include checking for stickers, contacting the Police if there are issues and picking up trash at the park. Marlene would like to see the hours be 11 – 5. Karen said she would like to see Parks and Recreation manage the time.

Motion: Andrew Pinard motioned to expend up to $4,000 for a French’s Park attendant to be managed by the Parks and Rec Committee and hours to be at their discretion.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • Rules of Procedure – The Select Board signed the updated Rules of Procedure.

New Business:

  • Vote Increase for Staff – Andrew said the Town reviews this annually and there is a merit base increase. It is budgeted at 2% but the Select Board can agree to go more or less. Andrew said personnel morale is important.

Motion: Mel Pfeifle motioned that effective April 1st (retroactive) to give a 2% merit increase per the recommendations of the department heads.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0

  • 340 Fairgrounds Road – Andrew said the Town has spent money on cleaning up this property and a lien will be placed on the owner’s property. Karen says more vehicles are coming back onto the property. Andrew asked Karen to reach out to other Town Administrators and ask how they respond to property owners who continue to bring in new vehicles to the property. Michael Malecha (via ZOOM) said the problem is not just the excess vehicles on the property, but also other issues including noise. He said the severity of the response needs to match the severity of the problem. Andrew said he can’t speak for the Police Department, but he said it is beneficial to the Town if Mr. Malecha would continue to reach out to the Police Department as needed. Michael said this is a multi-year problem and is not going away. Andrew noted that Mel is the representative with the Police Department and will discuss this with the department. Michael said the Police Department is very supportive but not effective. He said their home is unlivable because of this property across the street. Andrew said that perhaps the Planning Board could take a look at a noise ordinance as well. Andrew thanked Michael for his input.
  • Accept Funds for Scholarship Fund

Motion: Andrew Pinard motioned to accept the funds for the 1964 Scholarship Fund.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • Review Building Permits for Map 6 Lot 96, Map 23 Lot 21 and Map 6 Lot 74 – Andrew reviewed.
  • Sign Intent to Cut for Map 5 Lot 111 and Map 5 Lot 91 – The Board signed the Intents to Cut.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • May 10th

Motion: Marlene Freylermotioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3II(c) at 8:07 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

After reviewing Department Head evaluations, the Board agreed to a 2% merit increase for several department heads. The Board also agreed to award $1000 in bonuses.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to return to public session at 8:29 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Andrew Pinard motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Donna Long, Recording Secretary.