Selectmen’s Minutes 04.30.18

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

April 30, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm

Roll Call- Jim Bibbo, Chairman; John Pfeifle, Selectman; Michael James, Selectman; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance


  1. Lois Kilnapp appeared to discuss concerns, and options, if the Bradford Transfer station were to recycle corrugated cardboard from the Town of Sutton. She recommended that Sutton collect cardboard at a Sutton location and transport weekly (as appropriate), targeting Wednesday mornings, to Bradford. She emphasized that the cardboard must be kept dry. The Board agreed and will talk with the Sutton Select Board/Town Administrator about a 6 month trial and next steps to implement this plan.

Regular Business:

  1. Karen Hambleton followed up with the Board concerning the vacancy on the Cemetery Commission. John Pfeifle will speak with Thomas Dunne to see if he has an interest in taking on this role. The Board will discuss next steps based upon the results of that conversation at its next meeting.
  1. David Nunnally appeared for follow up on questions from the previous week’s Select Board meeting related to identifying a final cost per yard comparison between purchasing gravel from Barry Wheeler versus other suppliers.

Gravel was transported across posted roads to the Transfer Station. It was noted that there had been others granted permission to travel posted roads in the past month or so.

From a transportation perspective, Town equipment is being used to load and deliver gravel from the pit to the Transfer Station.

David and the Board went through several calculations and David will do some final research to calculate the equipment cost to reach Bradford’s actual cost per yard.

  1. Jane Lucas sent a request to Karen and made a request of the Select Board to provide assistance on retrieving and securing cannonballs that kids had rolled over the bank into the river from a Civil War Veterans monument, at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Karen will ask the Police Department if there is any concern in retrieving the cannonballs and request assistance from the Road Agent to help retrieve and secure the cannonballs.
  1. The Select Board suggested an adjusted schedule for their weekly meeting beginning in June. The Board suggests meeting June 4, June 18, July 2, July 16, July 30, August 13, August 27 and September 10. Members will check their calendars and confirm at the next meeting.
  1. An expense review was conducted. Question on whether we have stockpiled salt, John will follow up. Savings from changing out street lighting, in 2017, appears to be paying off, looks like there will be a 50% reduction compared to historic spending. Overall, the general fund has 76% of its budget is remaining.
  1. Jay Barrett, Town Hall Architect, will be meeting with the Board at 3:00 on May 7th to review projected costs for mothballing Town Hall. Karen provided a general update on the large items that Jay will be discussing in detail, as well a description of the work currently underway which is all considered “must do” activity and estimated to be under $20,000.
  1. The Fire Chief alerted Karen that Engine 2 is leaking and they will attempt to fix it in-house. Additional follow up will be done by Karen to obtain more details.
  1. John Pfeifle asked Karen to follow up on insuring the Town of Bradford is on the list of creditors for payment from the estate of Joe Wilcox who owed the Town money. Karen has already been in touch with the Town legal resource on this matter and will share any detail as it becomes available.
  1. Karen asked the Board to acknowledge that the gravel purchases from Barry Wheeler may not be exactly 2,000 yards; it could be 2,200 for example and will not be known until it is loaded and weighed. The Board acknowledged this possibility and will vote to authorize a final number when it is available.
  1. On April 5, 2018, damage was caused on Oakdale Road as the result of opening the road to posted traffic as a detour when a tree had fallen on Rt. 114. The Board will explore whether there is any option to secure state funds to support repair as it was state traffic that contributed to Oakdale Roads poor condition. The Road Agent doesn’t feel there will be many options with the State. Jim Bibbo asked that we identify who set up the detour. Michael James would like to see a process setup in the future to avoid driving over posted roads. John will follow up on a process going forward. Michael asked whether there is a “hot” list of bridges and roads that need repair. John will get a list and Barry would certainly be willing to talk with the Board.
  1. The Board did not meet on April 16th due to weather, but the Board came in during the week and signed:
    1. A Town Hall invoice
    2. The Alarm System Contract for Fire Dept
    3. A Pre-Hospital Service Agreement
    4. An Intent to Cut Map 5/Lot 37
    5. The Board signed an agreement for Fire Equipment Testing.
  1. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were presented, reviewed by the Board and signed.
  1. Minutes of April 9th meeting:

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to accept

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to adjourn at 7:06 PM

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

Public Meeting adjourned at 7:06 PM

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday May 7, 2018 at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn