Selectmen’s Minutes 05.02.16

Board of Selectmen Meeting

May 2, 2016 Minutes

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm

Roll Call- Sonny Harris, Selectman; Jim Bibbo, Selectman

Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator; Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance

Absent: John Pfeifle, Chairman


  1. Camila Devlin: Everything is on track for the July 4th celebration that will be held in Town. Camila requested that the Independence Day Committee be allowed to sell “Cow Flop” tickets at the Town Office. There was concern as to whether or not this was allowed by the State and concern that it might be considered gambling. Camila will investigate the RSAs.
  2. Erik Pickhardt, Lead designer/ solar consultant at Go Solar: Eric asked the Board for permission to periodically set up a table at the Transfer Station to provide people with information about Go Solar. The Board was not sure if it would be acceptable or legal, and suggested that Bradford Corners might be a better location. He might reach a larger audience as is more traffic there, including folks from other towns passing through.

Regular Business

  1. Move to Town Hall update: All the walls, except the hall, are all framed. The electrician has been in working and the ceiling and walls have been primed. TDS and Steve West (our computer person) will need two weeks’ notice before moving into the Town Hall.
  2. Zoning Violation Complaint-Map 6/Lot116: The Board will ask the Code Enforcement Officer to visit the property to see if there is a violation.
  3. Board signed Breezy Hill Requisition #5; this is not the final payment.
  4. Board signed Intent to Cut Map 4/Lots 2&13
  5. Review of cash flow. Cash flow is very tight until revenue from the upcoming tax billing starts to flow. The office hopes to send tax bills out the second week in May. Currently Karen is holding a couple of checks until later in the week and delaying invoices until they are closer to the 30 day due date to manage cash flow.
  6. Board signed Tax Anticipation Note request
  7. Board signed Savings Account Withdrawal request
  8. Health Officer Letter: The Health Officer submitted a letter of resignation effective June 1st. Motion to accept letter, vote 2-0. Karen will look into other Towns who might be willing to share a Health Officer and what are the qualifications are to become a Health Officer.
  9. Town Hall Restoration Committee: Harry Wright will be meeting with LCHIP to discuss the status of the LCHIP grant. He wanted to know if the Board still supports restoration of the Town Hall. The Board expressed their continued support towards the restoration, and mentioned that they do not want to lose the $105,000.00 grant. It was suggested that an extension to the December 2016 grant deadline be discussed with LCHIP. Jim Bibbo indicated that he would like to attend the LCHIP meeting with Harry.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of April 25, 2016 meeting were reviewed with one change noted. Discussion topic #3. Jim seconded the motion, not Sonny. Voted 3-0.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday, May 9, 2016.

Meeting adjourned at 6:12

Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins