Selectmen’s Minutes 05.13.19

May 13, 2019

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Michael James, Jason Allen, Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance

Pledge of Allegiance


  • Tim Wallace, Hopkinton Forestry, appeared requesting the Board accept a Timber Tax Bond for $1,865, as an anticipated Timber Tax for logging activity at Map 7/Lot 70 and Map 10/Lot 10. The Board approved the bond and signed Intent to Cut’s for both lots.
  • Marlene Freyler, Cemetery Trustee, appeared to update the Board on several ongoing items related to cemetery activity:
    • The Town had previously voted not to sell any lots for less than $500. This decision has not been followed, however the Board directed that going forward, it shall be.
    • The Cemetery Committee is working on a proposal to eliminate the collection of perpetual care funds when a lot is purchased. This will be presented at Town Meeting in 2020.
    • The Committee will also propose adapting the structure of the Maintenance/Superintendant role which will include updating the contract outlining responsibilities.

The Board requested Marlene update the Selectmen when the details have been finalized.

Public Input:

There was no public input

Regular Business: 

  • Minutes from the May 6th, 2019 meeting were reviewed.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to approve the minutes.

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  • Account payables and the payroll manifest were approved and signed.
  • The Board discussed thoughts on updating the Town’s Purchasing Policy. Karen provided some samples from other communities. Jason will draft a proposed policy revision for discussion with the Board at the next meeting.
  • Parks and Recreation, in conjunction with the Independence Day Committee, presented a proposal to purchase a tent at the May 6th meeting. The estimated costs of the tent will be $6,000 and Parks & Recreation will fund up to $2,500 of this expense.

Motion: Michael James motioned to approve up to $3,600 to be utilized from the Independence Day Trust Fund.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

Laurie Colburn asked what the feedback had been regarding a question about liability raised the previous week. More follow up is needed prior to purchasing the tent. A Certificate of Occupancy will need to be issued by the Building Inspector prior to use each time the tent is erected.

  • Jason updated the Board that the Highway Department was seeking approval to place excess equipment at an upcoming State auction. The equipment identified includes:
  • A Monroe Plow
    1. A Housatonic Plow
    2. Two Craig Wings
    3. A mower
    4. A skid steer bucket sweeper

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to sell the excess/unused Highway equipment at auction.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  • A goal setting meeting is scheduled for next week with the Highway Department.
  • Jason is also working with Steve Hall, Town Road Agent, to get a rough work plan outlining where road crews will be working. Michael would like to see a list of maintenance backlog items separated by maintenance versus construction activity. Karen, Marlene Freyler and Laurie Colburn all expressed concern that the Select Board may be requesting a level of detail that would result in the Road Agent working on reports rather than working in the community and managing Highway resources. Both Selectmen clarified they are interested in a high level understanding of the activity the Highway Department is doing which can be accomplished with brief communications that are not generating excessive “reporting” requirements.
  • Town Hall update;
  • Bob Stewart confirmed the planned location of the new septic system is the most appropriate location. He is reviewing the design to ensure it meets the requirements of the final engineering plans.
    • The Board also discussed re-establishing the Town Hall Committee. A meeting will be held on June 3rd, inviting previous Committee members as well as folks that have shown an interest in participating in the Committee, to discuss establishing the focus of the Committee, separating reconstruction guidance versus supporting implementation activity. Karen will verify whether Town Hall Committee members need to be appointed.
    • Michael proposed having Trumbull-Nelson complete the pending “Mothball” activity as quoted previously but would like to have the roof repair work identified specifically quoted by Trumbull-Nelson.
    • Karen will follow up on the status of the Granite work as well as obtaining a quote for the roofing repair work.
  • The Selectmen discussed next steps regarding the rollout of the Tax Relief Incentive Program. The Board will use the estimated completion date as the date that the incentive period will begin. The Board briefly discussed establishing a point system for weighting the recommended tax relief period. The Board will email Karen any questions regarding the program including clarification regarding the ability of the Town to adapt how the determination of the relief period granted is evaluated over time. Karen will also send the draft Covenant for legal review and obtain the cost to record the Covenant with Merrimack County Registry of Deeds.
  • John provided the other Selectmen with a list of topics he felt should be discussed in the next quarterly Select Board update. John will draft an update for the Board to review. One area of concern raised was a purported increase in the education tax of $400,000. Another area of interest was recycling costs and revenue, Karen will provide John with some data related to this topic.
  • Karen provided the Selectmen with a proposal from Primex, Bradford’s Risk Management Insurance provider, which caps increases in Worker’s Compensation Insurance through 2023. Karen will send the Board a breakdown between Liability and Worker’s Compensation.
  • The Board signed Veteran and Elderly Tax Exemptions as recommended by the Assessor.
  • The Board signed the 2019 Property Tax warrant.
  • The Board signed a Personal Action Form to hire a new part-time police officer.
  • The Board signed a Current Use application.
  • The Board complemented the Eagle Scouts on the new French’s Park sign which was installed. The Board agreed to donate the old sign to a local collector.
  • Karen asked the Board how they would like to proceed with a Zoning complaint. Michael offered to follow up with Planning and Zoning.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to have Code Enforcement follow up.

Second: John Pfeifle

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  • The Board discussed an insurance claim that was denied for a car which may have been damaged in the BACC parking lot.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to adjourn at 9:20pm.

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday, May 20th, 2019, at 7:00pm at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary