Selectmen’s Minutes 05.18.20

Meeting called to order at 7:02pm

Roll Call – Jason Allen (Chair), Michael James, Marlene Freyler and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.

Pledge of Allegiance


  • Tim Blagden, from the Rail Trail Committee, attended the meeting to discuss obtaining quotes and trail design for a portion of the trail from West Main Street to behind the Sunoco Station as part of the continuing Rail Trail expansion project. Tim is still working on gathering quotes for the project. Jason reached out to Central New Hampshire Regional Planning to discuss the planning and design process. The Committee plans to submit the project for grant funding by the June 19th, 2020 deadline and will keep the Board updated as activity progresses.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to move forward with the trail as proposed by the Rail Trail Committee provided that snowmobiling is allowed on the trail.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • Agenda items regarding Police Department and Transfer Station updates were not conducted.

Regular Business: 

  • The Board reviewed the minutes from the May 4th, 2020 meeting. Jason had an edit for the dates referenced versus the volume of calls responded to by the Fire Department. This edit was already reflected in the minutes presented.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to approve the minutes May 4th, 2020 minutes.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0 in favor.

  • The Account Payables and Payroll Manifest was reviewed.
  • Four pre-qualified contractors have begun the bid process for the Bement Bridge project and three attended the pre-bid meeting/site walk. The project is out for bid, with bids due back by May 27th, 2020. The plan is to complete the project in 2020 but the schedule will be dependent upon how quickly approvals move forward.
  • Steve Hall met with the Board to discuss proposals for paving and crack and chip sealing work recommend by the Road & Bridge Committee. Michael asked for clarification on the process to do the paving and preventative maintenance work. Karen provided the Board with a summary of costs involved. Marlene asked what plan might exist for West Road, expressing concern about the condition of that road. Karen shared a prioritization order that weighted the conditions, frequency of use, etc. to establish a priority order.
  • Jason responded to complaints regarding ditch work, received by the Selectmen’s office. The Highway Department will be addressing damage done to roadways over the weekend and the Board will speak privately with Steve regarding specific personal complaints. Marlene publicly noted that she felt the manner in which the complaint was communicated was not appropriate.
  • A Wetlands Permit application for Cochran Hill was signed by the Board.
  • Karen provided an update on what requirements would need to be addressed to support record storage at the Town Hall. Several requirements were noted and this item will remain on the agenda while clear scope of work is developed. Marlene would like to understand what can be done to sort and organize the records currently being stored. This will be included in ongoing planning for the record retention scope of activity.
  • Karen raised a concern with the Town providing portable toilets at the boat launch and French’s Park. Based upon State and CDC guidelines, the costs to maintain the facilities would be excessive. New signs will be posted at both locations concerning social distancing. A discussion commenced concerning the Independence Day Celebration.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned that the Independence Day Celebration be postponed until the fall or first night and that discussions about rescheduling take place as social distancing practices relax.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • The Bradford Area Community Center Governance Board provided a recommendation that maintenance issues with water on the deck and both the front and back pillars be addressed. Two quotes have been received and a third is expected shortly. Walter Royal is also working on getting quotes for repointing, replacing some rotten boards and painting. Marlene questioned whether the deck should remain. The other Board members felt that the deck was in good condition and that the Board should focus on correcting any pressing maintenance issues. The Governance Board is still working out the details concerning upgrades to support the kitchen needs of the Community Action Program but will move forward with correcting issues with the sink drainage. The GB also recommended a $25/monthly lease increase for the Community Action Program. The Board agreed with this recommendation. The Governance Board also recommended updating language in the Freyler Driving School lease to reflect a clause concerning lease payments in the event that the BACC is inaccessible. Karen also shared a situation where a bill is expected for $350 which resulted from an assessment done to quote plumbing work that would need to be done to provide the upgrades the Governance Board has been working on with the CAP program. The vendor will include the costs if they win the bid for the work. That vendor has also expressed a strong desire to see the Board support a commercial kitchen standard if the work is undertaken. The Board will hold off on any decisions until they have a more detailed plan is established.
  • First Responders are eligible for a Federal stipend paid through the State of NH.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to accept up to $30,000 for the First Responder Stipend program from the State.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • The Board discussed accepting FEMA funds from the CARES Act (GOFERR) per RSA 31:95-b.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to accept up to $39,756 in municipal relief funding from FEMA.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • Karen provided an update on payment plans for properties with taxes in arrears.
  • The Board signed the Tax Warrant for the 1st half of 2020.
  • Michael asked for an update regarding legal action against a property on Fairgrounds Road that is in violation of Zoning Ordinances. Letters have been sent by the Town’s legal representation to two properties in violation of the Town Junkyard ordinances. The letters outline monetary penalties if no action is taken within 30 days.
  • The Board discussed the planned painting work at the Town Hall. Karen shared recommendations from Architect Jay Barrett regarding clarification on what work should be done to secure the windows. Approximately $31,000 is in the Town Hall account and the Board discussed pursuing the painting and will have Walter Royal review the quotes received to verify if the quotes are still valid. Any additional work will be evaluated as the Board gets more insight into revenue receipts throughout the year.
  1. An Intent to Cut request was signed for Map 10/Lot 33 and Lot 42.
  1. The Board signed tax credits and exemption applications as recommended by the Assessor.

Public Input:

  1. Carol Troy, 89 Oakdale Road, provided a follow up on an email sent to the Board expressing concern regarding ditching work that was done on Oakdale Road. She feels the work done was done very aggressively and has caused erosion and mud is running into the lake. She would like to understand why so much ground was disturbed.
  • David Nunnally, 2 Bacon Road, presented the Board with photographs and commentary regarding ditch work done by the Town. He expressed concern about erosion and runoff on Breezy Hill, Bacon Road and Oakdale Road from storm water which resulted in sediment going into Lake Massasecum. He has called the Department of Environmental Services and is concerned that the ditch work was done too aggressively and feels it needs to be addressed by the Town.
  • Sandy Hodskins asked the Board about what actions were being taken regarding the Zoning Violations at 340 Fairgrounds Road. She would like to understand what fines will occur, when they would occur and what action is being taken. The Board will follow up with whether specific details but has outlined fines being imposed and /or the Town taking action, if the owner does not address the violations, the owner’s expense and potentially taking the property if a lien is placed on the property and not addressed. Stan Ovrevik also expressed concerns about the condition of the property.
  • Tax Collector, Melissa Cloutier, presented three tax abatements which the Board signed.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to move to non-public session, per RSA 91-A:3:II (a) at 8:15

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to return to Public Session at 8:48pm

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91:A3II (a) at 8:49pm.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Michael James motioned to return to Public Session at 9:20pm

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Michael James motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91:A3II (a & l) at 9:21pm.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to return to Public Session at 9:48pm

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to seal the minutes.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 2-1 in favor (JA – yes, MJ – yes, MF – no)

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned at adjourn at 9:57pm.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday June 1st, 2020 at 7:00pm, at the Bradford Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary