Selectmen’s Minutes 06.04.18

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

June 4, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm

Roll Call- Jim Bibbo, Chairman; John Pfeifle, Selectman; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance

Michael James, Selectman arrived at 5:35pm


  1. Several Bradford residents appeared to voice concerns over allowing the Woodlands ATV club permission to adopt Day Pond Road, Carter Hill Road and part of Rowe Mountain Road as part of their trail system. Doug Southard voiced three areas of concern; 1) Maintenance – stating it was unclear who and how the road would be maintained, 2) Safety – concerns related to increased ATV traffic and poor conditions that could develop for foot and horseback traffic, and 3) Economic Development – as he felt Airbnb guests enjoyment of a relaxing, restful retreat may be negatively impacted by additional ATV traffic and that, since ATV’s would have no access to downtown Bradford, there would be no economic gain for the Town to allow the Club use of the roads requested. Barbra Southard echoed safety concerns with walking and hiking. Dabney Kelsey echoed the concerns raised and requested the Board hold a Public Hearing to discuss the ATV use. Dabney presented a petition with thirty five signatures supporting the request for a Hearing.

John Pfeifle thanked the public for their attendance, and mentioned he would like to see same type of attendance when residents support an initiative. John also stated that having a Public Hearing for every decision that the Board needs to make is not practical and the election of a Select Board provides the structure and resources to make decisions such as this. He added that public attendance and feedback at Select Board meetings is valuable.

Jim Bibbo outlined that the Board’s discussion had included a one year trial with conditions. He reiterated that ATV’s are allowed to use class VI roads today with no responsibility and the Woodlands club would provide some maintenance and oversight.

Seth Benowitz commented that he would like to see more diligence done by the Select Board to identify specifics as to what the club would do and what their track record has been. The Board outlined that they had received more specific information and that this club is new so understanding their track record is difficult which is why they discussed a one year trial with conditions.

Nikki Dubaere asked about the use of snowmobile trails which would require private landowner permission. The Board outlined that this club would need to gain permission from private landowners for any private property use and the request to the Board was related to specifically identified Class VI roads. Ann Eldridge was in attendance on behalf of the Conservation Commission and outlined several areas of concern the Commission had identified.

Faye Smith, President of The Woodlands ATV Club addressed the areas of concern and further clarification is needed related to Fish & Game support outlined by the Club. The Board asked that Faye meet separately with the group of concerned residents to determine if they could address the areas of concern and will revisit the Adoption request by Woodlands ATV at a future meeting.

  1. Melissa Cloutier, Tax Collector, appeared before the Board to gain approval and signatures on the Tax Deed of one property taken for non-payment of taxes, and abatements that resulted from assessment corrections. These were approved and signed.
  1. Fire Chief Mark Goldberg will be taking a temporary Leave of Absence and First Deputy Chief, Preston Starr, Bradford Fire and Rescue, appeared to let the Board know he will assume the role of Acting Fire Chief in Mark’s absence. Preston shared that the volunteer membership has some concerns around insurance coverage and liability. The Board stated they have every confidence in the membership. A follow up will be done for the Fire and Rescue membership, as well as all Town Employees, to clarify liability and responsibilities when operating as a Town representative. Logistics were discussed with the transition of responsibilities from Mark to Preston.

 Regular Business:

  1. The Board followed up on a request by the Conservation Commission to install Beaver Deceivers on Forest Street and West Road. These devices will be funded by grants and private donations. Karen will follow up with Ann on a mechanism to accept donations.

Motion: Michael James motioned to accept their offer

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  1. Jim Bibbo outlined continuing issues with security and theft at the Transfer Station. The discussion will be moved to Private Session to outline a specific strategy to address the issue. Chief Valiquet spoke about the existing security and challenges with prosecuting known offenders. Lois Kilnapp spoke about the ongoing issue, past steps taken to address the issue and the need to take additional action to resolve the trespassing and theft activity.
  2. The lease for Freyler Driving School is up for renewal and will be presented for signature at the next meeting. The Board discussed the terms and no changes were made. The renewal will be presented for a one year period of time.

6:40pm recess; session resumed at 6:46pm

  1. Karen provided an update on Town Hall activity and presented an invoice for Barrett Architecture which the Board approved. The granite being cut and needed to complete the foundation work is projected to be back in the next month to six weeks which works with Trumbull-Nelson’s schedule. The Board discussed Town Hall Architect Jay Barrett’s recommendation to have a heating system specification written up by a professional engineering organization. Michael feels strongly that having a separate engineering specification written is a waste of funds and that the solution is not that complicated. Jim Bibbo felt that not having an engineering specification is not a fiscally responsible decision. Jim does not support implementing a solution that does not have a specification and is not established without going through a formal bid process. Karen proposed that the various solutions and estimates Michael James has obtained be shared with the Board and that those vendors appear to discuss their proposals as a next step.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to review the documentation collected

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 2-0 in favor

  1. A building permit has been issued to install an antenna for Verizon Wireless. It appears that cell coverage may be available early next year. Jim Bibbo will write a letter to Verizon Wireless commending this progress towards deploying cell phone coverage in Bradford.
  1. Karen presented a Certification of Business to allow the Trustees of the Trust Funds access to Town Trust accounts that they currently cannot access. The Board approved and signed the request.
  1. Marilyn presented documentation to allow for the processing of returns to credit cards in the event there is a transaction that needs to be refunded. The Board acknowledged the process.
  1. The Board accepted a reoccurring donation to the Town Hall Restoration Trust Fund.
  1. An Intent to Cut was presented and approved for Map 5/Lot 98.
  1. The Board was informed of a Federal Resource Roundtable event on June 12th in Franklin.
  1. The Board was introduced to a new Building Permit form that was developed based upon best practices and has been implemented.
  1. Minutes of the May 21st meeting were accepted.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to accept

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  1. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.

The Board entered a Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3IIa and e at 7:12pm

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to move to a Non-Public Session

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The Board adjourned to Public Session at 8:05pm

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to leave Non-Public Session

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

 The Board adjourned the meeting at 8:06pm.

Motion: Jim Bibbo motioned to adjourn

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

There will be no Selectmen’s meeting next week.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday June 18, 2018 at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn