Selectmen’s Minutes 06.13.22

Select Board Meeting called to order at 6:06 pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call – Beth Downs, Marlene Freyler, Mel Pfeifle and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.

Marlene thanked the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance for the Preservation Achievement Award for the restoration of the Bement Bridge.

Marlene also thanked the Fire Department, Police Department, and Lumber Barn for their service to a response to an accident in front of her home.


Suzanne Demers – CAP – Karen said the Board was reviewing the lease and had some questions concerning the Community Action Program. She asked Suzanne to come in to answer a few questions.

Suzanne explained there are 70+ programs within CAP and she oversees the elderly programs, including the senior center and the meals on wheels program. There are some monies sent back to them by the meal costs, grants and fundraising. Susan explained what she does and how the meals on wheels and senior center fall under CAP.

After hearing the tight Suzanne’s budget is, Beth proposed keeping the rent the same.

Discussion ensued and it was decided they would continue to discuss at a later date.

Steve Hall – Highway Department – Steve said he was given a figure $137,613.96 for crack sealing and chip sealing projects this year. The crack sealing is done and the project went over an extra day at a cost of $8,000.

Mel thinks we should reduce the scope of the chip sealing since we overspent on the crack sealing project. Karen asked if we could take off the Breezy Hill project. Beth said we should see if we can take off Breezy Hill and the price can stay the same on the original estimate. Steve will look into this.

Steve reported that the 2007 10-wheeler has the body on, and they are just waiting for paint. The new 10-wheeler will be built on June 24. July 10 is the projected delivery date for this new truck.

Steve said it was determined that the Highway Department building will not withstand solar panels due to the change of the wind limits specifications for the building as well as the snow load. Karen said to bring the information to the Energy Committee.

Steve said East Washington has been ditched and the gravel laid down. West Meadow has been done as well as Deer Valley, Johnson Hill and County Roads.

Steve reported how much it would cost to rent an excavator and bucket compared to hiring an outside company to do the job. After a brief discussion, it was decided the Town will rent an excavator and hammer and bucket to do some upcoming jobs.

Mel asked how Steve plans to deal with the increasing cost of gas. Mel said we need to think of solutions for these increasing costs.

Ann Eldridge – Conservation Commission – Ann stated there is a conservation project in town and Ausbon Sargent wants to put in for an LCHIP grant. The Conservation Commission has pledged $15,000 toward this project. Ann said if the Select Board was in support of this, it would help out with the LCHIP grant process.

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to write a letter in the support of the Conservation Commission’s interest in helping Ausbon Sargent obtain an LCHIP grant for Map 13 Lot 1.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Public Input:


Regular and Old Business

  • The Board reviewed the minutes of the May 23, 2022, meeting.

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to accept the minutes.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • The Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • Vacant Positions – Karen reported that the Police Department interviewed five individuals, had two top candidates and have narrowed it down to one. There has been no interest in the French’s Park attendant position. The Select Board secretary has agreed to take on the Zoning Board of Adjustment minutes starting in July. The Planning Board will hire someone referred to them by the Central NH Regional Planning Commission to do their minutes. Karen said the Town Office position has had one interested candidate.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to utilize the Central NH Regional Planning Commission for an offsite secretary for monthly Planning Board meetings at a cost of $125/meeting.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0

  • Town Hall Bond Update – Karen said post issuance compliance letter has been prepared and sent to all Board members. It is recommended that the Town Administrator or a Finance person act as coordinator to oversee compliance with the policy. Karen suggested that it be the Town Administrator. The Board requested the document be reviewed by the auditor. The bond was sold, and the rate is 3.49%. The annual payment is around $141,000/year. The Board signed bond documents. Karen said they need to decide who they want to use for bond counsel. Karen suggested using Divine Millimet as they used for the bond earlier this year.

Motion: Marlene Freyler made a motion to use Devine Millimet for bond counsel.

Second: Beth Downs seconded

Decision: 3-0

Karen would like to recommend that the first payment be due this year.

Motion: Marlene Freyler made a motion that the first payment would be due this year.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0

Karen would like to close the loan as soon as possible.

Karen suggests we pay a little more against the first payment. She said there was $48,000 budgeted for the Town Note, which was refinanced with a bond in February. There is currently $40,000 remaining in the budget for the Town Hall loan and bond payments. The payment for the first bond is approximately $10,215 and due in July. She said she would like to put $29,785 toward the first payment on the second bond. After a lengthy discussion, it was decided by consensus to do this.

  • Town Building Cleaning Update – Beth said that M & K Dust Buddies will start July 1. She gave them a map of the Town buildings.
  • Expenses to Date – Marlene went over the departments budgets and how much money is left.

New Business:

  • Complaint – Karen said they received a dog complaint, and she has turned it over to the Police Department.
  • Zoom Meetings – The Budget Committee was Zoom bombed last week. Karen said the NH Municipal Association stated as long as we treat people the same, we can still use Zoom, however in a more controlled manner. Karen said people could request a Zoom link, so it is not posted on the website. They could also take away Zoom altogether. Beth thinks they should only have invitation only for Zoom.
  • Unanticipated Revenue – $16,369.56

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to accept $16,369.56 in unanticipated revenue per RSA 31:95-b from a timber cut at the Transfer Station for Map 3 Lot 110.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Motion: Mel Pfeifle motioned to accept $1,800 in unanticipated revenue per RSA 31:95-b from the sale of an old highway roller.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0

  • Part-time police officer appointment – Signed.
  • There have been two engineering awards in recognition for the engineering of the Bement Bridge given to Hoyle Tanner.
  • Karen said she will follow up with Steve about potholes at the Transfer Station.
  • Fireworks – The fireworks contract is all set for September.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • June 27, 2022

Motion: Marlene Freylermotioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3II (a) at 8:04 p.m.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to return to public session at 8:36 p.m.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 p.m.

Second: Beth Downs

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Donna Long, Recording Secretary.