Selectmen’s Minutes 06.18.18

Board of Selectmen Meeting MInutes

June 18, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm

Roll Call- Jim Bibbo, Chairman; John Pfeifle, Selectman; Michael James, Selectmen; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance


  1. Devin Pendleton, Bradford Independence Day Committee, appeared to encourage the Selectmen to participate in the Charity Grilling Competition being held June 30th at 7pm. Contestants will receive a basket of ingredients at the start of the competition, there will be judging in three categories, and proceeds will benefit the Bradford Food Pantry.
  1. Claire James appeared on behalf of the Bradford Planning Board to provide an update on the Visioning Session, related to updating the Master Plan, which took place June 7th. The event was well attended, with over 50 participants, where discussions were held related to Housing & Transportation, Natural Resources, Historic & Cultural Resources and Economic Development. The Central New Hampshire Planning Commission is compiling the notes taken and will provide a summary which Claire will share as soon as it is ready.

Claire also asked the Board if the Planning Board should move forward scheduling a site walk for Auto Craft Map 3/Lot 1. Karen will follow up on this question.

Claire also spoke about annual Gravel Pit Inspections and asked the Board for assistance in scheduling a site visit with Barry Wheeler. John Pfeifle will follow up with Barry to obtain possible scheduling dates.

  1. Melissa Cloutier, Tax Collector, appeared to request the Board sign Property Tax Abatements related to campers that had been registered and should not have been taxed. Melissa requested the Board sign a Dog Warrant request for owners that have not yet registered their dogs. She also presented a Tax Abatement for Map 7/Lot 20. All requests were approved and signed by the Board.
  1. Perry Teele appeared to review the results of the boundary investigation he did for the Bradford Area Community Center, Map 17/Lot 9. He noted that 3 of 5 pins had been located. He noted that several bags of trash had been dumped along the back of the lot line which should be addressed. Karen will follow up with the Police Department on this.
  1. Ann Eldridge, of the Conservation Commission, a group of concerned citizens and Jonathan DeLisle, New Hampshire Fish & Game Officer, appeared to provide feedback on a request by the Woodlands ATV Club’s to adopt Day Pond Road, Carter Hill Road and part of Rowe Mountain Road for use as part of their trail system. Doug Southard introduced a formal presentation that was prepared for the Select Board by the Concerned Citizen’s Committee. This presentation provided additional information to address concerns raised at the previous Select Board meeting related to maintenance, safety and responsibility, if the Club were allowed to adopt the roads into their trail system. Jonathan spoke about Fish & Game’s responsibilities. While the Board had been leaning towards supporting the request to let the Club adopt the roads, after the feedback and additional information presented, ultimately the Board decided against approving the Woodlands ATV Club’s request. The Club is free to submit a Petition at Town Meeting to gain permission to adopt the roads. The Board thanked the participants for their input and diligence on researching the subject.
  1. Scott Maslansky, Director of Clean Energy Finance, spoke with the Board about clean energy and energy efficiency opportunities. Discussions lead to an inquiry about where “low hanging fruit” might exist in terms of savings. Scott’s recommendation was to have an invoice audit focused on lighting audit completed which may result in identifying improvements that could drive a 2.5-3% savings. Scott recommended we begin with a bill analysis.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to move forward with conducting a lighting audit

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

Regular Business:

  1. Karen read a letter from the Members of Bradford Fire and Rescue Department in support of Chief Goldberg.
  1. Karen asked what funds should be used for the purchase of steel plates, costing $8,800, needed to provide a temporary fix for a failed culvert, sinkhole situation. Karen presented options to cover the expenditure outside of the Highway Operating budget as the purchase was not budgeted for and deemed to be a non-reoccurring cost. Michael felt the expense should be incurred against the Highway Operating budget and that Road Agent should come back to the Board when the Highway Operating budget has been exhausted if additional funds were needed. John disagreed and felt they should fund this expense from a budget that is more specific to an emergency expense. He stated the road budget was reduced at Town Meeting by $120,000 this year and covering this onetime expense would further reduce planned road maintenance. Nathaniel Bruss asked whether this expenditure would be traceable in the future. Claire James also asked if the Budget Committee would be able to track this expense and why this expense would not be part of the regular budget. Jim Bibbo responded that this is more of a onetime expense and should not be used as a means to justify an increase to future budget submissions. Karen indicated she could track the funding source used to pay for an expense.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to fund $7,000 from the SB38 fund and the remaining $1,800 from the Road Repair budget.

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 2-0 in favor, Michael James was not in favor, he asked to note that he believes this makes it more difficult for the Budget Committee, and the Town, to track expenditures.

  1. There were 7 Abatement Recommendations received from the Assessor that were signed in accordance to the recommendation. Karen will follow up with the Assessor on the reasoning for a recommendation where an assessment was lower than the recent property purchase price.
  1. The Board signed the lease for Freyler’s Driving School.
  1. The Community Action Program lease renewal terms were reviewed and targeted to be executed at the next Board meeting.
  1. The Fire Warden appointments were signed by the Board.
  1. A letter to the CEO of Verizon Wireless was signed by the Board letting them know how encouraged the Town is to hear that cell coverage may be coming to Bradford this year.
  1. The Board signed an Intent to Cut for Map 4/Lot 23-1, Map 4/Lot 25, Map 5/Lot 2, Map 5/Lot 34 and Map 5/Lot 48.
  1. The Board signed a renewal agreement which allows the Town to participate in the Federal Surplus Property Program.
  1. Seth Benowitz was appointed Library Trustee.
  1. The Town’s insurance carrier, Primex, sent a Reservations of Rights Letter outlining the terms of coverage for representing the Town in a law suit filed in federal court by Joseph Torro. The Board signed the letter in acknowledgement.
  1. Karen asked for permission to share a letter written by the Town’s legal representation, related to junkyard activity, with Warner’s Town Administrator. The Board approved the request.
  1. Jim Bibbo announced an Economic Development organizational meeting is scheduled for 9:30 am on June 21st.
  1. The Board will review expenses in detail at the next Select Board meeting. Expense areas of concern are Legal, Town Hall heating and the Bradford Area Community Center heating.
  1. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  1. Michael asked John about the status of a top 10 road initiatives list that Barry was working on. John will follow up.
  1. The Payroll Manifest was signed. Minutes of the June 4th meeting were accepted.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to accept

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The Board entered a Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3IIe at 7:52pm

Motion: Jim Bibbo motioned to move to a Non-Public Session

Second: john Pfeifle

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The Board adjourned to Public Session at 8:05pm

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to leave Non-Public Session

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The Board adjourned the meeting at 8:06pm.

Motion: Jim Bibbo motioned to adjourn

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

There will be no Selectmen’s meeting next week.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday July 2nd, 2018 at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn