Selectmen’s Minutes 06.29.20

Meeting called to order at 6:15 pm

Roll Call – Jason Allen (Chair), Marlene Freyler and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance. Michael James joined via Zoom at 6:21.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91:A:3II (a) at 6:16 pm

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 2-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to return to public session at 6:45 pm

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0 in favor

The Board recessed until 7:01 pm when the meeting resumed.

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call – Jason Allen (Chair), Michael James, Marlene Freyler and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.


  • A representative for Gold Star Banners was scheduled to attend but did not appear.
  • Dean Williams, from the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission, appeared to discuss the State’s Road Surface Management System, RSMS. This had been shared with Bradford previously however a new program is now available. This consists of a visual road survey, a data collection process and a detailed analysis to provide a forecast, done by the CNHRPC and UNH in conjunction with the Highway Department. This provides a guide to future maintenance considerations for managing the road network and developing a long-range plan. Availability to begin a road survey wouldn’t start until August but the Town could take steps to prepare by gathering information to participate in the program. Dean expects an early winter timeframe to produce a recommendation. He outlined the process undertaken to score and weight the priority of a roadway as well as detailing treatment plans for a town’s roadways. Jason asked how to initiate this process. A meeting will be scheduled between Dean and Steve Hall, Town Road Agent, to kick off the process. This project would only apply to paved roads and would begin by verifying GIS mapping details. There is funding available from the CNHRPC to conduct the process, although the survey process is only funded once. If the Town were to do a survey in the future, the recommendation is every 3-6 years, alternative funding would need to be found. Dean also recommended that the Highway Department sign up for some of the classes provided through UNH regarding Road Maintenance. The Board was in agreement that they would like to move the process forward.

Regular and Old Business:

  • The Board reviewed the Minutes of the June 15th meeting.

Motion: Michael James motioned to approve the Minutes of June 15th, 2020

Second: Jason Allen

Vote: 3-0 in favor

  • The Accounts Payables and the Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.
  • Steve Hall, Town Road Agent appeared to provide a Highway Department Update:
  • A complaint was received concerning water damage on Day Pond Road. The Road Agent shared pictures of the site with the Select Board and outlined a conversation he had with the property owner concerning ditch work.
  • A failing culvert on Massasecum Lake Road was identified. The culvert needs replacement. The material cost of the project is estimated at $6,100, excluding permitting. The Board would like to include the loaded labor rate for the Town resources as well to reflect a true, all-inclusive project cost. The Board then discussed which account should fund the project. There was discussion about funding this from the second half of the HB 4 Municipal Aid revenue. Karen explained that the HB 4 revenue will be budgeted revenue, not unexpected revenue and what needs to be identified is an expense line.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to move forward with procuring the material and lining up the project.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Motion: Jason Allen amended the motion to move forward with purchasing the products and moving forward with the project funded by the Road and Bridges Expendable Trust.

Second: Michael James

Vote: 3-0 in favor

  • Steve also outlined a potential future issue with a culvert that goes underneath the old casino building.
  • A washout also happened on Breezy Hill Road and the Town placed some stone in the washout today.
  • Steve also discussed damage to Bacon Road where heavy rain washed the stone out of the ditch and a complaint was received. The Highway Department discussed putting sumps in the ditch but Steve expressed concerns with that solution as there are children in the area and the sumps could be a hazard. The Highway Department did clean out the debris but wanted to consult with the Select Board before placing any sump holes. Steve will talk with the Road and Bridge Committee members to see what recommendations they may have.
  • There will be a pre-construction meeting next Tuesday for the Bement Bridge project. Jason signed the Notice of Award from the State. Karen is working on getting a clause updated in the Agreement for Services with Hoyle, Tanner & Associates.
  • The Fire Lane discussion on the agenda was deferred to a future meeting.
  • The Board discussed challenges with non-resident parking at French’s Park. The Police Department has been issuing tickets, the amount of the ticket is $15 and does not seem to be a deterrent. Without having the beach monitored and checking for permits, options are limited. Karen also suggested that the Town Ordinance be updated as it does not fully reflect how the Town operates the facility. Jason feels the only way to get any real improvement is to have an on-site resource at French’s Park checking for permit stickers. The Board will work on drafting a revised Ordinance, outlining clear processes and penalties. Michael proposed that the Town establish a sticker/pass process that is available for a fee that would be used to compensate a resource to attend the beach. Jason suggested that an inquiry be placed in The Bradford Bridge to solicit feedback from residents. Jason would like to determine an immediate action and a longer-term solution. The Board agreed that they would explore an immediate action to have an attendant at the park. The Police Department will outfit this resource(s) with a radio to call for support if needed. Karen asked about what the rate and hours would be. The Board will seek volunteers and draft a procedures document with the intent of identifying resources by the next agenda. The Board will reach out to resources who have already expressed an interest and place a notice seeking volunteers on the Town website and Facebook as well as communicating the call for volunteers with the Parks & Recreation Commission. Michael outlined a need to have clear processes drafted for the volunteers. Marlene will work on drafting a revised French’s Park Ordinance.
  • Karen provided an update on the phased opening of the Town. A notice will be placed in The Bradford Bridge and the Town Office will reopen on July 6th with limited hours and limited access to the Bradford Area Community Center.
  • Jason provided a follow up on work to upgrade the kitchen sink at the BACC. He reviewed the quotes and the scope of work and found that the scope of work was not consistent across all vendors who provided estimates. Jason recommended moving forward with Legacy Plumbing, who quoted approximately $5,000. Two other bids were provided at a much lower rate, at $800 and $900, but they did not include the scope of work needed to complete the job. Walter Royal recommended developing a specification and rebidding the work. Jason outlined that the work was originally (pre-COVID) to be completed by July 1st and would like to move forward. Rene Remodeling quoted the interior cabinet work to complete the kitchen at approximately $300.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to move forward with Legacy Plumbing to do the sink installation and associated plumbing work, and Rene Remolding to do the construction work; soffit, sheet rock and cabinetry work.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Rene Remodeling will be working on the exterior maintenance work approved at the previous meeting. After a walk around the building, several other items needing to be addressed were identified. Rene Remolding provided an estimate of $4,650 to complete that work.

Motion: Jason Allen motion to move forward with Rene Remodeling to do the additional BACC exterior work as described.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

  • A specification was developed for the Town Hall painting work, and a request for proposals was sent out with quotes due back by June 29, 2020. Two of the four vendors that had previously quoted the project have responded. Jason asked that Walter Royal review the estimates and the Board will review his findings at the next meeting.

New Business:

  • Karen recommended the Board lock in electric rates with NextEra for 2021, who provided the most competitive rate. This is approximately $0.015 lower than the 2020 rate.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to lock in rates through NextEra.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

  • Karen provided an update on the PSNH Lawsuit. The 2014, 2015 and 2016 lawsuit appeal was settled. It is unclear exactly what the impact is although it appears there will be some tax abatement that will need to be made. The Town may be able to appeal the decision, Karen is waiting on feedback from legal counsel.  
  • A discussion about Town assigned email addresses, for all Departments, was tabled until the next agenda.
  • The Town Dog Warrant was signed.
  • The Board signed the Freyler’s Driving School lease renewal.

Public Input:

  • Mark Goldberg asked why Walter Royal wasn’t developing specifications for work so everyone was bidding on the same work. Jason responded that the projects discussed were time sensitive and the Board was discussing Walter Royal’s role.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to move to non-public session, per RSA 91-A:3:II (a) at 8:41pm

Second: Marlene Freyler

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to return to public session at 9:10 pm

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91:A:3II (a) at 9:11 pm

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to return to public session at 9:27 pm

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91:A:3II (a) at 9:28 pm

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to return to public session at 9:40 pm

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91:A:3II (c) at 9:41 pm

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to return to public session at 9:44 pm

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned at adjourn at 9:44 pm

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday July 13th, 2020 at 7:00pm, at the Bradford Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary