Selectmen’s Minutes 07.11.22

Select Board Meeting called to order at 6:03 pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call – Beth Downs, Marlene Freyler, Mel Pfeifle and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.


Lois Kilnapp – Lois wanted to check in to see if the Board still wants her to apply the Bradford Town stickers on residents’ windshields. Karen suggested that Lois write down the practice we have been following for issuing Town stickers including how many stickers each household receives and how they are distributed. Lois thinks everything is working out really well as is. Lois will draft a document and present it to the Board who intends to adopt a policy.

Lois would like to send a letter to a resident who keeps putting bottles in the compactor. Karen suggested that Lois write the letter and the Select Board could sign it.

Public Input:


Regular and Old Business

  • The Board reviewed the minutes of the June 13, 2022, and June 27, 2022, meetings.

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to accept the minutes for the June 13, 2022, and June 27, 2022, meetings.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • The Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • Vacant Positions – Karen said a new police officer has been hired (Jacob Hubbard). There have been three applicants for the Town Office position. There were two strong candidates, and one just took another position. Karen would like to advertise it again online. Marlene suggested putting it on Indeed. Karen said they usually get too many unqualified candidates when going that route.
  • Town Hall Update – Karen said the $200,000 note and the $2,000,000 bond will be deposited into the account next week. Karen’s recommendation is to use the $2,000,000 first, then the $200,000 and lastly the trust funds. Karen said she spoke with a representative from Eversource and they discussed the installation of three-phase electric. Mel asked if it would come in underground or above and Karen said it would have to be aboveground due to the placement of the septic. It will be coming in at the back of the building. If the septic changes, they might be able to put the electric underground.
  • CAP Lease Renewal – CAP signed the renewal lease. The Board members signed it.
  • Butman Road Update – Matt Monahan and Karen had a conversation with attorney Matt Decker. He will write a statement that outlines the process as to what people need to do if they are interested in purchasing property in town and outline the Town’s responsibility in providing detailed information about properties.
  • Community Center Generator – Mel said the generator’s transfer switch will be looked at this week by a second outfit to figure out if the price they received is a good price.
  • Donation of Property – The donation of two pieces of property by Cynthia Langley has been recorded at Merrimack County Registry of Deeds.
  • The Road Agent received updated numbers and the asphalt has gone up about $1,500. The work is scheduled for July 27 & 28. The Board meets on July 25 so they can discuss at that time if they want to scale back on something. Karen discussed the new dump body.

Motion: Beth motioned to approve the expense of $29,950 for the new dump body for the 2007 International dump truck with funding coming from the 2015 Town Equipment Fund.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0

New Business:

  • Sign Raffle Permits (2) – The Friends of the Bradford Center Meeting House and the Massasecum Improvement Association both submitted raffle permit requests. – Approved and signed.
  • Sign Deputy Forest Fire Warden Appointment Form – Signed.
  • Sign Police Officer Appointment – Signed.
  • Sign Personnel Action Form (3) – Signed.
  • Sign Intent to Cut Map 6 Lot 8 – Signed.
  • The Board signed two driveway permits.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • July 25, 2022

Motion: Beth Downsmotioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3II (a) at 6:42 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to return to public session at 7:09 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:09 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Donna Long, Recording Secretary.