Selectmen’s Minutes 07.25.22

Select Board Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call – Beth Downs, Marlene Freyler, Mel Pfeifle and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.


Sandra Bravo – Energy Committee – Sandra gave an update on electricity costs. She said she asked the electricity broker to find the rates for renewable electricity and it is almost the same price as regular electricity. The Energy Committee would like the Town to consider purchasing green electricity. Mel asked for their definition of ‘green’. Mel also asked if modifications to the grid structure would be needed. Sandra said there would not. Beth asked about a letter Sandra wrote to Eversource. Sandra said she them what their plans were for upgrading the infrastructure in Bradford but had not yet received an answer.

Bryan Nowell – Fire Department Update – The Chief reported that a $50,000 grant was received. This will be used for an AED, CPR machine and 3 sets of gear. He is also working on a 50/50 grant through NH State Forestry for equipment including a leaf blower, more pagers and batteries. This is up to $2,500 match. The Chief said they are looking at FEMA grants to update to some extrication equipment at a cost of $49,000. Since June 27, there have been 18 calls. They just did a joint water rescue training with Newbury and an extrication training. He has been doing fire inspections. They are working through issues with their radios and pagers. Another fire fighter has joined the department. They are at 100% reporting. The Chief met with the liaison for NH Homeland Security earlier in the day and she will be getting him more information. The Fire Dept is planning to do some things in conjunction with Parks & Recreation for the children in the community. The Chief has looked into the TDS service and has looked at First-Net. Mel asked if he is getting his thoughts together for CIP and he replied yes.

Devin Pendleton – Parks & Rec Update – Devin received a quote for a chain-link fence for Brown Shattuck Field in the amount of $4,500. She said someone has offered her granite posts and thought they might be able to do some fencing with this. She said that the French’s Park attendant said he wasn’t sure if he should be accepting town stickers that are on paper in their glove compartment rather than on their window. Devin said neighbors have been complaining about folks speeding at the entrance of French’s Park. She was wondering if speed bumps could be put in. Mel suggested she sit down with Chief Shaughnessy to make a plan. She said a lot of people like the park attendant at French’s and that he is doing a great job. Devin has rented a dunk tank for the September 24th Bradford Celebration. She is hoping the Select Board and Chiefs of the Police and Fire Departments will sit in the dunk tank. Beth and Marlene said they would both be in the dunk tank. There will have a grilling competition that will raise funds for the Bradford Scholarships. There will also be a parade. Swimming lessons have finished. A tie dye event will take place on August 2nd. Karen said the bounce house contract stipulates that the Town assume liability for the bounce house, however, our insurance does not cover bounce houses. Karen said our insurance company suggested getting a copy of the insurance policy from the bounce house company.

Steve Hall – Highway Update – Steve said there were three vendors that got back to him with pricing for a new well. The materials for the Highway Garage repair have been ordered and payment sent. The highway crew has been doing some shimming on the roads. The oiling and chip sealing will begin this week. He is still waiting on prices for the generator hook up. In speaking with the company who will be doing the road work this year, it was clarified that they will be chip sealing the roads as opposed to sand sealing them, Chip sealing is slightly more expensive, so Steve suggested they remove Old Warner Road from the list of roads to be done to keep the cost down. They will be doing Fairgrounds, Massasecum Lake, Pleasant View and Center Roads. Steve expects the person who is doing the crushing to be in Town by the end of August.

Ed Shaughnessy – Police Dept. Update – The Chief reported that budget is at 48.9% remaining and doing well. The dept is under with their gas budget. There have been 634 calls for service since the last meeting – this is an increase from last year. Jake Hubbard has finished his field training and is out on his own. He worked at a Center Meeting House event and met a lot of people. The Chief said the tablets for the cruisers have been ordered and will be installed in August. The PD will be training with the Fire Department on August 29 for CPR and AED equipment. The PD had an active shooter training at the elementary school and assisted with a training in Bow as well. Marlene asked about visibility on Route 114. The Chief said he checked with the State, and was told they think visibility is okay. Marlene disagreed. The Chief said she could follow up with the DOT.

Lois Kilnapp – Transfer Station Sticker Policy Discussion – There was a discussion about the Town sticker. The Chief said there are a good number of people who come to French’s Park who don’t have stickers, so the attendant has been checking ID’s. Lois said she likes to give tours of the recycling area at the Transfer Station before she hands out stickers. Beth and the Chief said that not everyone needs to go to the Transfer Station especially if they have a dumpster. Mel asked if we could number the stickers and placards. The Chief said it will facilitate tracking the stickers. Lois will number them in the future.

Public Input:


Regular and Old Business

  • The Board reviewed the minutes of the July 11, 2022, meeting.

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to accept the minutes for the July 11, 2022, meeting.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • The Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • Vacant Positions – Karen said they are still scheduling interviews for the Bookkeeper position.
  • Town Hall Update – Beth reported that Bar Harbor will have new CD rates on Thursday. They are on par with TD Bank. Beth said we have an opportunity to put some money aside and gain interest on it until we need it. Discussion ensued.

Motion: Mel Pfeifle motioned to give Karen the authority to invest the bond and note in a series of laddered CDs.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0

Mel said she and Karen met with Eversource and DMI about energy incentives for the Town Hall and found it a bit discouraging. Mel said she wanted to run numbers by her friend at the co-op. Mel said she recommends holding off signing the contract with DMI until after she talks to her friend at the co-op. Discussion ensued.

  • Expense/Budget Review – Marlene went over the department remaining budgets.
  • Community Center Generator – Mel said Joe Torro had installed the generator. He believes the transfer switch needs a new board. Joe gave a price of $3,348.56 to install it. Karen will talk to Joe regarding the water that seems to be getting in the box.

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to approve the purchase of the board.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0

New Business:

  • Borrowing Resolution – This is to add the Fire Chief to the Town credit card account. Marlene read the resolution. The resolution was signed.
  • Sign Raffle Permit – Signed.
  • Sign Fireworks Contract – Signed.
  • Sign Driveway Permits Map 5 Lot 64-1 and Map 6 Lot 75 – Signed.
  • Sign abatement Map 23 Lots 21, 22B, 22C and 26 – Signed.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • August 8, 2022

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3II (a) & (c) at 8:07 p.m.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0

Motion: Beth Downs motioned to return to public session at 8:24 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:24 p.m.

Second: Beth Downs

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Donna Long, Recording Secretary.