Selectmen’s Minutes 07.26.21

Select Board Meeting called to order at 6:02 pm

Roll Call – Andrew Pinard (Chair) via Zoom, Marlene Freyler, Mel Pfeifle and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, were in attendance.


Sal Magistro – Masonic Building – Sal proposed putting a bakery and coffee shop on the first floor of the Masonic building. Andrew said he would need a commercial kitchen. Sal said he does not need a hood, just a regular oven. He said he would just need to put in an oven and some refrigerators. Karen asked about State requirements. Sal said he would go to the State for septic approval. Karen asked about being up to State code for owning a restaurant. Andrew asked about the hours of operation. Sal said Tuesday – Thursday would be 6-2, Friday and Saturday 6-8, closed on Sunday. There would only be one employee in there at a time. There would be no seating, just to-go service. Marlene explained that the Board has already discussed what needs to be done to put the building into use, and they have decided that it needs to go to the townspeople first and nothing can be done until we find out what the residents want to do with the building. Mel thought it was left to the discretion to the Select Board to decide what to do with the building. She said she thinks the building inspector should go in and take a look at the building, as well as the Fire Chief and finally, to investigate as to what the cost would be for liability to use this building. Andrew asked when he wanted to start the operation. Sal said as soon as it got approved. Andrew asked when the State could come out to look at it and Sal replied he would need to have approval from the Town before the State will come out to look at it. Andrew asked what would happen if the septic needs to be replaced. Sal said he has spoken to Bob Stewart and Chris Frey and they both thought the septic would be fine for his use. It would be 300 gallons a day because it is a business. Sal said he would pay to have the septic design done. Andrew asked if he would pay if it needs to be upgraded and he said he would pay for half since the Fire Department uses half of the septic system. Mel said this should next be brought to the Planning Board for a site plan review. Then we should see how much would be needed for liability and then a rent amount can be determined. Marlene said it needs a new roof and windows would need to be replaced. Andrew said they could repair the roof if that needs to be done. Andrew said he is in favor of the Planning Board doing a site plan review. The Board agreed that Sal can continue with the filing process.

Motion: Andrew Pinard motioned that the Board support Sal submitting a site plan application for the Masonic building and going through the filing process with the Planning Board.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Highway – crosswalks – Steve said he did some research on crosswalks and there are five in Town he feels should be added and/or enhanced. One in front of the school, one in front of the library, one by the Community Center, one by Pizza Chef and at the far end of West Main Street. There would also need to be a “crosswalk ahead” sign for the school crossing. Signs would be $212. The painting would be $200/sidewalk. Marlene asked about the repainting of the bicycle lanes. Karen said she thinks they should have a sign in either direction of the crosswalk. Ed Shaughnessy agreed with this. Andrew wants to make sure the size of the sign is appropriate for the locations. He also agrees to have two signs at the crosswalks. Karen asked what the final number is and where the monies will come from. Steve said it will be about $3000-$4000. Karen asked if there was enough in his operating budget to cover this expense and he replied “no”. Steve will do more research and come back to the next meeting.

Cressy Road – There was a discussion about the business that is being operated on Cressy Road. Andrew said Walter Royal, the Code Enforcement Officer, went out to the site. Andrew asked Walter if he could determine whether this business falls under a home business. Andrew asked the following questions:

Andrew asked Mike Dillon if he plans to expand his home business and Mike replied no.

Steve asked what the expected activity is on the road. Mike said a logging truck comes in about once a month. Steve then asked about the debris that has been down on/near the road and Mike replied it was because he didn’t originally have space. Now that he has cleared his lots, he has more space. Mike said it will now stay cleaned up. Steve asked what his plan for slabs and sawdust are in the future. Mike said he wouldn’t do anything different than what he has been doing which is having people coming in to pick up the free slabs.

Marlene asked if there is a buffer in between his house and the neighbors and Mike said there are trees in between.

Andrew asked about the volume of logging trucks moving lumber in and out and Mike replied about once a month.

Mel would like to see Mike share his engineer report with Walter so they know that the mess that has been in the road will stop in the future. She also said she thinks he should apply to be a regular business rather than a home business. Mike said he does not have a desire to increase his business any larger than a home business.

Andrew asked if the neighbors had any questions. There being none, Andrew told Mike he hoped he would be sensitive to what he posts online.

Concern About Expanding Business on Blaisdell Hill Road – A letter was written by David Brown expressing his concern as to what is happening on this Class VI road. He is concerned about the safety with the turnaround of safety vehicles and gravel.

Andrew asked if Walter has been out there to look at it yet and Walter replied no. Andrew is wondering if the business owner had originally applied for a permit. Steve said a portion of this road had changed from a Class VI road to a Class V road several years ago due to a vote from the townspeople. Walter will go check things out on this property.

Andrew asked Steve about building on a Class VI road.

Public Input:


Regular and Old Business

  • The Board reviewed the minutes of the July 12 meeting. Andrew requested having page numbers in the future. He pointed out a correction in the Parks & Rec section. He indicated that “Andrew said that we can look at this next year” should be “Andrew said we can look at this for next year’s budget”. There were no objections to these changes.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to accept the minutes.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • The Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • Noise Ordinance – Mel and Marlene would like the proposed noise ordinance to go to the Planning Board.

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to request the Planning Board review a noise ordinance in a proposed ballot initiative in the revision of the Zoning Ordinance in 2022.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

  • Review Expenses YTD – The Select Board reviewed the expenses. Andrew thanked all the department heads for keeping within their budgets.
  • Police Department – Ed said there was an expensive repair for the black sedan. He said this expense uses a significant portion of their repair budget and they might need to request this be funded from the Town Equipment Repair Expendable Trust Fund later in the year if their budget is tight.

New Business:

  • Sign Campsite Abatements – The Select Board members will review these abatements and will sign at the next meeting.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • August 9

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3II (c) & (l) at 7:43 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to return to public session at 8:12 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 p.m.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Vote: 3-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Donna Long, Recording Secretary.