Selectmen’s Minutes 10.26.15

Board of Selectmen  Minutes

October 26, 2015


Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm ¹5:36pm

Roll Call- Harry Wright, Selectman; Sonny Harris, Selectman

John Pfeifle is out recovering from a heart valve replacement

Regular Business

  1. Intent to cut for Map 3-89 signed by Selectmen.
  2. THRC donation received for $25. Thank you letter signed by Harry Wright.
  3. Preliminary financial analysis reviewed by Selectmen.
  4. Town Administrator advised of a 3.4% increase in health insurance cost.
  5. Town Office received and reviewed Cemetery and Conservation Commission budgets.
  6. Notice to Proceed/Notice to Award for Breezy Hill Rd Bridge signed by Selectmen.
  7. RFQ (Request for Quotation) for Bement Bridge is posted in the Union Leader this week.
  8. Town Administrator will collect names of those who wish to discuss their property’s assessment and possibly set up a meeting with the assessor.
  9. Most budgets have been received. Board discussed the town budget and ways to add revenue.
  10. Letter of resignation received from the Town Clerk/Tax Collector effective December 31, 2015. Motion made to appoint Camila Devlin as acting Town Clerk from January 1st until town election in March, at which time the position will be re-elected for the remaining 2 years of the current term. Voted 2-0.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest reviewed and signed.

Minutes of October 19, 2015 meeting were reviewed and accepted with correction to Item 5, bid amount should read “$1,047,395”. Voted 2-0.

Meeting adjourned at 6:05pm.

¹ edited 11/4/15