Selectmen’s Minutes 11.18.19

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn to non-public session at 6:00pm per RSA 91-A:3II(l) legal.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn to public session at 6:50pm.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Motion: Jason Allen motioned that the minutes of the non-public session be sealed as the reputation of a person other than a member of the board would be adversely affected.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

The Board recessed briefly.

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

Roll Call- Michael James, John Pfeifle, Jason Allen, Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Town Treasurer, were in attendance.

Pledge of Allegiance


  • Paul Modzeleski, from Sentry Roofing, met with the Select Board to answer questions related to a Town Hall roofing proposal he had submitted. The quote does include replacing all shingled roofing, with an additional cost of $1.95 per square foot for any structural repair identified once the existing shingles have been removed. A section of rubber roofing will have the seams cleaned and welded. A “California Cut” roofing practice will be utilized in the valleys and installation includes drip edge and nine feet of ice and water shield. Work would start in approximately two weeks, weather dependent. A color decision will be made pending a conversation with LCHIP (Land and Community Heritage Investment Program).

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to accept Sentry Roofing’s proposal for the Town Hall.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Regular Business: 

  • Minutes from the November 12th, 2019 meeting were reviewed.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to approve the minutes.

Second: John Pfeifle

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • The Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  • Steve Hall, Town Road Agent, provided an update on Highway Department activity. The new employee is working out well. Gravel purchases have been received along with hard pack and sand. No salt has been received yet. The department is waiting on a new plow, which has been ordered, and maintenance has been done on the trucks to prepare for winter. Steve outlined a need to hook up a generator that had been previously purchased. He estimated a cost of $4,000 to $5,000 to do that. He also indicated that new lighting is needed at the Town Garage and is expected to cost $12,000 to $15,000 in 2020. John would like to understand what the payback is on a new lighting solution. Jason will forward contact information for ELED as a possible resource to propose a lighting solution.

Steve asked whether there was any feedback on a letter received concerning access to Pierce Cemetery. Marlene Freyler commented that the cemetery is closed for additional burials and the recent services were done at a private cemetery. She felt there were no issues with access to the Town cemetery and that any entry to the private cemetery would be the responsibility of the property owner. Jason Allen commented that he had visited the site and did not find any concerns.

The Board and Road Agent also discussed a letter received from Rick and Judy Curless requesting the Town explore a pre-treatment system for the roads. This pre-treatment system would reduce the Town’s use of salt and sand, improve winter snow removal and road safety, as well as reduce spring clean-up efforts. Steve will review what options exist but believes budget constraints would prohibit implementation of pre-treating roads prior to winter weather events.

The Highway Department broke up a rock on Cochran Hill and will be removing it as well as exploring the installation of ditching as a temporary measure to help divert water runoff. A solution proposal from Horizon Engineering is still pending.

The Board asked Steve for input on the condition of Chestnut Hollow Road. Steve described the condition as “middle of the road” and felt it does need some attention, particularly with clean-up of the ditches.

Steve also noted that a new sign indicating crossing traffic, at the intersection of West Meadow and Fairgrounds Road, has been installed. He is looking at relocating a crosswalk sign to facilitate a walkway for sidewalk access. Crosswalk painting at the school and library will be done by the Town of Newbury, no schedule is available. Steve also priced a culvert that would reestablish a crossing by the school under the road. Forty feet of culvert was priced at $9,000, at least sixty feet would be needed. The price did not include any labor.

  • Laurie Colburn provided a follow up on RSA 147, concerning public health, that the Health Officer had requested the Select Board adopt. This RSA does not require any adoption but rather outlines State law and grants the Board an ability to approve additional regulations recommended by the Health Officer for the prevention and removal of nuisances related to public health and safety.
  • Karen provided the Board with a list of insured equipment for use in requesting an estimate to have a certified resource inspect Town equipment to establish a baseline on its condition and value. It was noted that the balers at the Transfer Station should be added to the list while the antique pumper and sweeper should be removed. Department Heads will work with Jason and Karen to establish a final list. The assessment will be used to aid the Capital Improvement Program.

Motion: Michael James motioned to submit a finalized list of equipment to a certified mechanic for an estimated cost to inspect the equipment identified.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • Karen provided an update on available Town Hall funding. Approximately $133,000 is available, which includes $60,000 appropriated at Town Meeting that is in the General Fund. Currently the Board has about $50,000 of activity pending which includes replacing the roof, removal of the fencing and insulating the basement ceiling.
  • Michael shared information received from the Town of Warner concerning a solar project Warner had conducted. These projects appear to be cash neutral and the Board discussed seeking volunteers to form a committee to explore solar options for Bradford. Karen will have a request for volunteers published in The Bridge.

Motion: Michael James motioned to advertise that the Board is looking for people interested in exploring solar.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • Michael provided an update on the Economic Development Committee meeting he had attended November 14th, 2019. He felt the meeting was very positive and shared that the Committee is concentrating its efforts on actionable activity including trying to expand events during the Halloween season and that minutes would be available on the Town website.
  • John Pfeifle is drafting a Selectmen’s update for the December issue of The Bridge.
  • The Board reviewed expenses through October 2019. There were some areas of concern identified. Building Inspection is trending to be approximately $2,000 over budget. Legal and the Transfer Station may come in overspent. The Board agreed to review November expenses at the December 2, 2019 meeting
  • The agenda for the December 2nd, 2019 meeting will include a 2020 Budget review.
  • Karen provided some private health insurance quotes as reference when reviewing the existing provider’s quote. There would be significant changes in the benefit’s as well as out of pocket employee expense. The Board will look at going out to bid again in the summer of 2020 when more time is available to analyze the impacts.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to stay with Health Trust for the Town’s health insurance.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • Karen asked whether any direction was available as to whether a new employee evaluation process would be implemented and how the Board would like to budget for any wage increases. The Board will look at a UNH evaluation sample at the December 2nd, 2019 meeting and will develop the budget using the same process as in previous years, modeling a 2% and 3% increase impact.
  • The Board signed the 2019 Tax Warrant.
  • An abatement request for a trailer at a camp site was approved.
  • The Board signed an agreement with Sanders Searches, LLC. to perform lien searches.
  • The Board signed a Personal Action Form requested by the Planning Board to fill the vacant Planning Board Secretary role.
  • A follow up on a pending contract renewal with Naughton & Son’s is pending John Pfeifle’s feedback.
  • Michael read into record a letter from the Historical Society in reference to their participation in the demolition project at the Dunfield Road Schoolhouse property.
  • Jason raised the topic of hosting Town Meeting on a Saturday morning rather than Wednesday night. Karen will request feedback via The Bridge after verifying whether this would be logistically possible. Jason will explore options to facilitate transportation opportunities.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to research holding Town Meeting the Saturday following voting.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

Public Input:

  • Marlene Freyler questioned why the Select Board was paying for $3,000 in dumpster expense to remove demolition debris from Dunfield Road when only $2,000 had been approved. She also asked how the Town would pay for the expense. Michael outlined that dumpster costs were based upon weight and were difficult to estimate. The expense will be funded from the Unanticipated Revenue account. John commented that he does not want to see the Town rely on that account for funding. It was then suggested that the funding come from a building repair line in the operating budget.
  • Devin Pendleton asked whether a chat feature or some other type of interaction medium for remote interaction with the Board during meetings could be explored. John supports any means of interaction but encouraged the public to speak with their Select Board members and to attend the physical meetings.

Motion: Michael James motioned that he explore options for remote interactions during Select Board meetings.

Second: Jason Allen

Decision: 3-0 in favor

  • Karen shared an update on the Bement Bridge project. Requests for quotes will be sent out to bid in the January/February time frame with work targeted to commence in May to October in 2020. All paperwork is completed and the bid process is the last component needed to begin the project.

Motion: Jason Allen motioned to adjourn at 8:37pm.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday, December 2nd, 2019 at 7:00pm, at the Bradford Community Center

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary