Selectmen’s Minutes 12.15.14

Selectmen’s Meeting

Dec 15, 2014


Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call – John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, selectman; Harry Wright, selectman

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm


Correct minutes of 12.8.14 to record the roll call.  The roll call should list the following in attendance:

John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman; Harry Wright, Selectman



  1. Library – Bea Howe discussed the Library budget with the Selectmen and requested the full amount cut ($600) be returned to the budget request. Bea explained the Library budget covers only the basic operation of the Library and various fund raisers and donations purchase the other items such as computers, e books, e readers, and programs.  The total increase over last year was $1260.  Motion made and unanimously passed to approve the original budget submitted by the Library.
  2. Police– Chief Valiquet answered questions from the selectmen regarding budget increases in his department. No motion made at this time.

Regular Business

  1. Breezy Hill Road Bridge – John Pfeifle reported on the action taken and progress made in resolving the deficiencies on the Breezy Hill Road Bridge (#161-145). Selectmen and Road Agent have met with the Dept of Transportation and several alternatives are being investigated to repair the bridge until the replacement project is bid and underway in the spring.  Fire department, Mark Goldberg, brought forward issues of safety for the volunteers and requested a motion from the selectmen to indemnify fire volunteers and employees  and reimburse the individuals directly for up to the amount of their off duty wages or workers compensation for injuries incurred due to the bridge failure.  Vote of the Board of Selectmen on this motion was unanimously in support of the motion.  It was also recommended to have the Road Agent post one side with a stop and the other with a yield when the bridge is restricted to one lane.
  2. Change of date and time of the Business portion of the Town Meeting – The selectmen all approved of changing the date from Wednesday evening to Saturday morning. They instructed Cheryl to advertise and post this change as soon as possible The election of officers will be held on Tuesday March 10th at the Bradford Elementary School and the Business meeting will be on Saturday Morning March 14th, 2015.  Exact time and place of the Saturday meeting will be announced in the future.
  3. Sign current use change tax bills – Selectmen signed current use change tax bills. When the bills are paid, 50% will be transferred to the Conservation Commission.
  4. Warrant Articles – To date warrant articles for BNSYS, Gravestone repair, Fire equipment, Hwy truck and roads, Hwy screen, Capital reserves, road issues (change of road status), necessary notice for merged lots, long term lease solar panels, and Planning Board warrant for funds to conduct Master Plan surveys have been received.  The Selectmen did not vote to recommend or refuse to recommend any of the warrant articles at this time.
  5. Bruss Building Lease – Selectmen made a motion not to pursue the lease of the Bruss Building before town meeting. The vote was unanimous.  John Pfeifle stated he would continue to investigate the building but not include the rental prior to town meeting.
  6. Timber Tax Warrant signed by selectmen.
  7. Intent to cut – Map 5 Lot 36-2. Signed by selectmen
  8. Executive Session – The Board of Selectmen voted to move to non public session with members of the Rural Heritage and Town Hall Restoration Committees. This was under RSA 91-A:3IIc.  John Pfeifle, yes; Harry Wright, yes; Sonny Harris, yes. Time out 6:40pm.


Pending issues:

  1. Auto Craft – check with legal.
  2. Police Station Lease – hold for now.



Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature

Review minutes of last meeting