Selectmen’s Minutes 12.17.18

Board of Selectmen Meeting

December 17, 2018

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm

Roll Call- Jim Bibbo, Chairman; John Pfeifle; Michael James; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, were in attendance


  1. Michele Halsted appeared representing the Rural Heritage Connection of Bradford, the Lake Sunapee Snowmobile Club and the Friends of the Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail requesting support from the Selectmen in naming the new, multi-use, trail bridge crossing Lake Todd after Robert Saturley, a resident of Newbury who had strong ties to Bradford. Robert had worked on the Route 103 bridge crossing Lake Todd as a UNH student and in later years because an avid cyclist enjoying the outdoors and this region. He was sadly struck and killed by a motorist on Route 103 in 2011. Friends organized a GoFundMe campaign which rose over $20,000 in Roberts honor to support the activity when they noticed the new bridge being constructed. The organizations will seek DOT support as well as the support of the Selectmen.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to support naming this new bridge the Robert Saturley Memorial Bridge.

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

Timothy Blagden, Friends of the Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail, also updated the Board that the group would be seeking to fund a push button actuator for the crossing at West Main Street if the Town is able to secure additional sidewalk grants to provide an additional safety mechanism when crossing Route 103.

Regular Business: 

  1. The Board continued discussion related to signing a License Application to sell pistols and revolvers for Erik Croto. Michele Halsted expressed concern that Croto is expanding his Home Business and evading Planning Board review. She felt this is a nuisance business that would cause property values to decrease. Michael James outlined that as long as Croto met the Home Business Compliance criteria from the Zoning Regulations that this would not be a matter for the Planning Board. Bob Herbert asked for facts and data to support the concern of decreased property value. Jim Bibbo sought to focus the conversation on the license application rather than a discussion about nuisance noise. He visited the property over the weekend and followed up on the statements made during the previous Select Board meeting and is satisfied that Croto’s property is secure and that Erik holds the federal appropriate licensing. Police Chief Valiquet stated support for Croto’s requesting citing an increased level of background checks. The Chief added that he had reviewed police call records back to 2004 and no concerning calls related to guns or theft had been recorded for the neighborhood.

The Board discussed whether to sign the application for the full three year period allowed or whether to shorten the period in the event any additional concerns were raised. The Board agreed upon an eighteen month term.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to sign the License Application with a June 30th, 2022 expiration date.

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The discussion continued focusing on concerns of nuisance noise, not just shooting in general but repeats firing activity that extends for significant periods of time and all parties agree they would be good neighbors and work together to understand and resolve concerns.

  1. The Board continued application evaluation for tax increase relief for improvements as submitted by The Appleseed and Unless, LLC as part of the Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive (RSA 79-E) Program. This program allows the Town of Bradford to provide a temporary period of limited tax relief for property owners who undertake substantial rehabilitation of a qualifying structure which meets the program criteria. While the Board felt additional structure around implementing the program was still needed there is a sixty day decision requirement that needs to be met. John Pfeifle will lead establishing a group to manage the review and recommendation process in the future. No additional applications will be accepted prior to the establishment of a firm process.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to authorize a four year tax deferral for The Appleseed and Unless, LLC applications submitted under the Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive Program.

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 2-0 in favor

  1. The Board was advised that Dave Pickman, landlord for the Police Station, has visited the station concerning the identification of mold issues and has contacted his insurance company to begin establishing remediation action.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to have Karen oversee the resolution of mold remediation for the Police Station.

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  1. Chief Valiquet informed the Board that the ice rink is up and filled with water.
  1. Chief Valiquet also noted that a Bradford Police Officer, Hank Thomas’s mother had passed away. Condolences were extended to Hank and his family.
  1. A change order has been received for the Town Hall heating system in the amount of $3,800 relating to a height requirement for the Modine heater to comply with fire code.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to approved pending review by the Town Hall Architect, Jay Barrett.

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  1. The Board discussed employee recognition plans, focusing on paid employees, later expanding to volunteers. John Pfeifle is taking the lead on identifying a token gift to thank employees and commemorate milestone years of service.
  1. The Highway Department requested Board approval for an expenditure of $36,000 from the Highway Expendable Trust to purchase a replacement pickup truck.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to approve the expenditure of $36,000 from the Highway Expendable Trust.

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  1. The Board signed a contract renewal with Sanders Searches, LLC used by the tax collector’s office.
  1. The Board signed an Equalization Assessment Data Certificate for the State of New Hampshire’s Department of Revenue validating the integrity of sales and assessment data.
  1. A Medical Resource Agreement was signed with Concord Hospital.
  1. Karen updated the Board that the Tax Collector’s Office had received $1.62m in tax revenue to date with all current property tax bills due by December 20th, 2018.
  1. An update was provided regarding the number of agricultural and farm license plates that have been issued in Bradford; 56 and 8 respectively. The number of plates issued does seem high when compared to neighboring communities. Karen will follow up on obtaining a list that includes registrant’s names and the Board will review the related RSA(s) at a future meeting.
  1. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were reviewed and signed.
  1. Karen provided the Selectmen a draft budget and reviewed any significant variances from the previous year. Budget components are still being worked on and a revised document will be distributed as the final requests are received. Karen and Michael James will review the draft with the Budget Committee on December 20th.
  1. Christmas cards were appreciated and Marilyn noted goodies had been delivered to the bank in thanks for their support through the year.
  1. Minutes from the December 10th meeting were reviewed.

Motion: John Pfeifle motion to accept.

Second: Jim Bibbo

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

  1. There will be no Select Board meeting December 24th or December 31st regularly scheduled meetings will resume January 7th, 2019 unless specifically called for by the Select Board.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to adjourned to Non-Public Session per RSA 91 A:3II a&e at 6:52pm.

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The meeting adjourned to Public Session at 7:10pm.

The Board adjourned the meeting at 7:11pm.

Motion: John Pfeifle motioned to adjourn

Second: Michael James

Decision: vote 3-0 in favor

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Monday January 7, 2019 at the Bradford Area Community Center.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn, Recording Secretary