Selectmen’s Minutes 12.18.17

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

December 18, 2017

Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 5:31PM

Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Sonny Harris, Selectman (arr. 5:38); Jim Bibbo, Selectman; Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer were in attendance


  1. Town Hall Update: Jay Barrett project costs to move back into Town Hall: Jay continues to be pleased with the progress at the Town Hall. He noted that the final MEP (mechanical, engineering and plumbing) plans are a bit behind. Jay expects the structural work to be completed by the end of February or early March of 2018. Jay submitted a memorandum explaining the next steps for the project. He noted that due to the complex nature of the work to be done and the various trades involved, a significant amount of coordination was necessary and therefore, there was no simple way to break this phase into smaller chunks. His total estimated cost for this next phase is $950,000. He noted that the funds could be bonded all at once, or saved for over a period of time. He added that if the choice were to save over a period of time, it would cost the Town $125,000 to $150,000 to mothball the building. Mothballing the building would serve to protect it while it remains idle. The Board asked Jay to give the presentation at Town Meeting. Jay emphasized the importance of holding the walk through of the Town Hall beforehand so that the residents can see the progress made thus far. LCHIP will meet in January to discuss our request to apply the $105,000 grant award to the structural work.
  2. Brady Lombard- Eagle Scout project: Brady presented his idea to build a kiosk along the Tilly Wheeler Trail. The Select Board approved his request to locate the kiosk on Town property (the exact location to be determined). Brady will follow up with the Board when he has this information.

Regular Business:

  1. Plowing Craig Road: Karen has not yet been able to get a hold of the land owners. The idea of plowing to the gate and then having a private plow contractor plow the rest was discussed. It was also suggested to have an article on the 2018 warrant to change this road from Class V to Class VI.
  2. Cemetery Trustee: Jane Lucas notified the Board that Diane Whalley will not seek another term as Cemetery Trustee. Jane added that she’s not interested in taking over as Chair of the Cemetery Commission.
  3. The Board signed the letter to the Trustees of the Trust Fund directing the 2017 Capital Reserve Fund deposits.
  4. The Board signed the LCHIP Extension Request.

Pending Issues/Other Business:

  1. Jim Bibbo suggested that the Town forest trees on three different properties owned by the Town and use the money from the sale of the wood to go towards the Town Hall Restoration. Both Jim and Sonny emphasized that they would not support chipping of the trees. Karen will look into this.
  2. As this was Molly’s last Select Board meeting, the Board extended their thanks for her service and wished her luck in her new endeavors.

Minutes of December 11th meeting were reviewed and accepted without changes.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be held on Tuesday January 2, 2018 at the Bradford Community Center.

Meeting adjourned at 6:35

Minutes submitted by Molly Hopkins/Karen Hambleton