Selectmen’s minutes 09.15.14

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

September 15, 2014



Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:         John Pfeifle, Chairman, present

Harry Wright, Selectmen, present

Sonny Harris, Selectmen, present



  1. Chet Mitchell – Solitude Ridge Road.  Discussion of the road damage caused by the storm of August 13, 2014.  The pond at the intersection of Solitude Ridge flooded and washed out a section of the private road requiring the association to shoulder over $1000 in road repairs to their road.  Mr. Mitchell asked for the maintenance schedule on the cistern located in Solitude Ridge.  Selectmen will look into the situation.
  2. Town Hall Restoration Building Sub Committee. Marcia Keller explained the formation of the sub committee and asked the following Mission Statement be entered into the record:
  3. The subcommittee will make recommendations to the full THRD for incremental improvements to the building with available funds, with the objective of moving the Town Offices from the BACC to the Town Hall as soon as practical.
  4. Mrs. Keller then introduced Dick Keller to provide an update on the subcommittee’s progress.  The plan is currently to remove the old police/selectmen extension and to follow thru the plan developed last year.  Three estimates have been received to remove the extension.  Question was raised if this work reflected the wording of the warrant article passed by the town last March.  Should the town be concentrating on obtaining full construction drawings instead?  Also discussed was the role of volunteer labor.
  5. Fireworks – Nikki Dubare questioned the selectmen on the problems encountered at the fund raiser on Sept 13, 2014.  She asked why the fireworks were canceled last minute and where did the communications break down to create the confusion with the volunteer setting off the display.  It was suggested that checklists for town events be developed to insure all laws and rules were identified in the planning stages.  Overall, the event was a success despite the poor weather and everyone was very positive.


Regular Business

  1. MS-1 (town inventory) and MS-5 (town financial report) were filed (signed last week).
  2. Warrant Article request: Selectmen discussed an email received from a Webster Selectman regarding the placing of a warrant article on our next town warrant calling for state wide school tax reform.  Selectmen discussed and felt such a warrant should be placed by petition only.
  3. Estimate.  The town has received an estimate to have the large bus parked on State Rte 114 to another location.  The estimate was over $2300.00.  This bus in currently in violation of a zoning regulation passed last March.  No decision made.  Questions were raised regarding the scrap value of the bus and the possibility of placing a lien against the property for the removal fee.
  4. Cheney Hill Rd.Letter from landowner was presented to the selectmen with request to remove drainage/culverts installed by the highway department and directing water onto their property.  The letter will be forwarded on to the Road Agent for consideration.
  5. Budget Committee: The budget committee has rescheduled an October meeting to September 17th at 6:30 in the youth room of the community center.  Dick Keller handed out warrant article spreadsheets to the selectmen.  Cheryl informed the Board they had been forwarded the completed spreadsheet last week but that they would be resent for the Sept 17th meeting.
  6. Breezy Hill Road Pond Bridge Selectmen updated the public on the status of repairs.  The Road Crew will suspend work on the bridge for the fall/winter months but will build a walkway with railings to protect those crossing the bridge on foot.  The barge will be returned to its owner by Selectman Pfeifle.
  7. Non Public Session The Board voted to move to nonpublic session per RSA 91:3IIa – personnel. Vote = Pfeilfe, yes; Harris, yes; Wright, yes  Time out 6:55pm