Selectmen’s Minutes Nov 1, 2011

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

November 1, 2011

Roll Call: Harry Wright, Chairman; Jack Meaney, Selectman; Barry Wheeler, Selectman

Corrections to minutes of October 25, 2011 – Marlene Freyler is investigating using part of the Community Center for “mixed use”.


1. Marcia Keller presented the CIP’s proposal for the 2012 budget.

The Chairman, Harry Wright thanked the CIP for their work in preparing the report

2. In discussing the Mission Statement (operating manual) for the BACC, the Selectmen decided that it should be reviewed by counsel.

3. Marlene Freyler submitted the Mission Statement for the Town Offices Relocation Committee. Motion was made to accept the Committee and statement was approved.

4. Steve Pierce /Lynda White did not appear to discuss damage done to their property during the recent snow storm.

Regular Business

1. Valley Transportation has volunteered to store the backdrop and map from the Town Hall while it is closed.

2. Cheryl inquired whether with Dick Moore’s retirement the Highway Dept would be able to handle the walkways at the Library. At this time, the Highway department will not be able to handle the snow removal on the walkways at the Brown Memorial Library. Cheryl will notify the Library.

3. An RFP was drafted by counsel for the removal of the Griggs/Sanborn property.

It was reviewed and motion made to accept the wording. Approved. The decision was made to hold off the posting until the Asbestos Testing has been done.

4. Both the Cleaning and the Maintenance contracts for the Town are still under review.

Highway, Jeff Remillard, was asked to do an inventory of the equipment that is available.\

5. Community Center wreaths also under review. The BACC will be consulted

6. Selectmen began the review of budgets. Those complete will be forwarded to the Budget Committee

7. Selectmen reviewed and signed the accounts payable and payroll manifests

8.  Selectmen voted unanimously to transfer $12,000 from transfer station disposal budget (excess not to be used in 2010) to the Highway budget.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm