Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes – Special Meeting
September 14, 2017
Meeting called to order at 2:00 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call- John Pfeifle, Chairman; Jim Bibbo, Selectman and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator were in attendance.
Meeting/Interview with General Contractor to discuss the Town Hall Project.
Larry Ufford and Tony Instasi were in attendance on behalf of Trumbull-Nelson. Jay Barrett (architect), Walter Royal (code enforcement) and Harry Wright (THROC) were also in attendance. There were also several members of the public present.
Trumbull-Nelson (TN) discussed their interest in the project. They also presented their qualifications for the project and discussed other similar projects. If TN were to be hired, Tony Instasi would be the project manager from start to finish, no matter how long the project might stretch out.
There was a recap of the Town Hall efforts that have taken place since Town Meeting 2017. Where we go from here, given that the work necessary to complete the first floor is significantly more involved and costly than originally expected, was also discussed. The priority was identified as getting the building back onto its foundation and secured for winter.
The possibility of tackling the remainder of the project in steps was discussed. There was also discussion about what the Fire Marshal will require before the offices could move back in. It was noted that the involvement of an architect, structural and design consultants and a general contractor in the project would be beneficial in our conversations with the Fire Marshal.
Jay has recommended that we hire a general contractor, get some questions answered, then approach the Fire Marshal, Code Enforcement and the Fire Chief.
It was suggested that an October start would be necessary to get the site and some structural work done so concrete could be poured before the weather turns. TN has no problem with this timeline. TN stated in accordance with the warrant article, bids would be sought and local subcontractors involved where possible.
TN was asked about having worked with LCHIP and indicated this was more the architect’s area of expertise than theirs. TN work is driven more by standards and codes.
John pointed out that Trumbull-Nelson has the reputation of being expensive, however their ability to keep the job streamlined and on schedule makes them a cost effective solution. It was agreed that the best way to begin would likely be on a cost plus basis.
It was noted that we can’t treat this as a bid-able project until we have a complete set of drawings.
The question was asked about using volunteer labor on the project. Larry indicated that perhaps the best use for volunteer labor would be in areas that are not time sensitive or would hold up other phases of the project, such as landscaping. He also indicated he is open to value engineering – working things through to find cost effective ways of accomplishing the task. He also stated that Trumbull- Nelson has a strong safety record.
Meeting adjourned at 3:47 PM.
Minutes submitted by Karen Hambleton