Board of Selectmen Special Meeting with the Fire Marshal Minutes
October 19, 2017
Meeting called to order at 4:02 pm
John Pfeifle, Chairman; Jim Bibbo, Selectman; Jay Barrett, Architect; Tom Humphrey, Fire Marshal’s Office; Matt Labonte, Fire Marshal’s Office; Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief; Walter Royal, Building Inspector; Harry Wright, THROC; Brackett Scheffy, THROC; and Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator were in attendance.
Also in attendance were Marilyn Gordon, Carl Goldberg, Chris Frey and Marlene Freyler.
John opened the meeting stating that the Select Board was looking to find the best route forward for the Town given the current circumstances, new information and associated costs. He reiterated that the Select Board is committed to securing the building. He emphasized the desire to get back into the building and to safely use it. He wondered if there was a way to use the building while continuing to improve it – to phase our way back into it. He questioned whether or not there is a way for the Town Offices and associated meetings to take place there while work continues. Is there a way for the Town to occupy the building without having to put the sprinkler system in? (The sprinkler system is estimated to cost $175-200K.)
Tom Humphrey, from the State Fire Marshal’s Office, explained that the key question is how the building will be used. The code restrictions, both fire and building, are governed by the intended use of the building. Fire codes are driven by the occupancy type assigned to the space (number of people); building codes address the water, sewer, mechanical, ADA etc requirements. To resume usage of the building, the usage must be limited and “creep” prevented. The first step is to classify the occupancy.
If the first floor space is classified as business use, the following would apply:
- the maximum number of people allowed on the first floor would 49
- the second floor needs to be emptied of all records, stuff etc.
- the basement (with the exception of the mechanical room) must be sealed off
- the mechanical room would need fire separation (sheetrock)
Additionally, it was noted that the current floor loading does not meet the requirements for business use.
The question as to whether or not the structural engineer could address only the first floor was asked. Jay indicated it could however there could be efficiencies to be gained by dealing with it all at once. The same applies to floor loading. Business use might indicate that the first floor needs 2 X 10 reinforcement where assembly use (the ultimate goal of the first floor) might require 2 X 12 reinforcement. It would be more cost effective to brace for assembly use rather than bracing for business use and later having to enhance the reinforcements.
It was agreed that the Town should send a letter to the Fire Marshal’s Office indicating they would like to classify the Town Hall for business use (with the above restrictions in place). Also in the letter, the Town should outline a plan and a timeline for completion of the project. In the interim, the first floor of the Town Hall would in effect act as a one story building at grade. The second floor and basement would be in effect non-existent.
Meeting adjourned at 4:45.
Minutes submitted by Karen Hambleton