THRC Minutes 01.10.13



JANUARY 10, 2013


Call To Order and Roll Call:

Eileen Kelly, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:03 with Marcia Keller, Dick Keller, George Cilley, Michele Halsted, David Halsted, Caryl Walker, Audrey Sylvester, Rural Heritage Members and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

The Finance Committee met at 6:30 until 7:00pm, with Marcia Keller, Chair.

Review and Consideration of the December 13, 2012 minutes:

Motion was made by Marcia Keller to approve the minutes. Seconded by George Cilley.

Eileen Kelly, Chair advised there were some edits to be made from minutes that were transcribed from a tape.

1. On page 2 under Community Support should read Beth Rodd.

2. Page 2, wood chip should read pellet.

3. Page 2, second paragraph the Community Center letter is in reference to the letter

from the Grant, not a new letter.

Motion carried with edits 7-0.

Ken Holmes, President and Joseph Campbell, Project Manager from North Branch Construction:

Eileen Kelly, Chair introduced Ken Holmes, President and Joseph Campbell, Project Manager from North Branch Construction to the committee. North Branch has been nominated to be Construction Manager of the Town Hall Restoration Project.

Ken Holmes advised he and Joseph Campbell as well as several others have been to the job site several times as well as having met with the Architect, Rick Monahon. At this time they are very busy working on an estimate for the scope of work that has been described in several sketches of early stages of architectural drawings. This will develop into a complete cost estimate to present to the committee, ultimately to come before the town for approval of the actual construction.

When this passes at Town Meeting, the Architectural firm would then complete the construction documents, then they would go out to bid to sub- contractors, utilizing local contractors when ever possible. Bids are reviewed with committee.

The preliminary dollar amount will be available January 18th, 2013 was stated by Ken Holmes with the final public number being available Jan. 25, 2013.

Joe Campbell introduced himself as Project Manager and Estimator. Considerable historical data is used and work to make numbers as close to being accurate as possible.

The six drawings when passed will turn into thirty or forty documents with much more information. This will take a number of weeks to complete the drawings prior to putting them out to bid documents. Qualified bid statements to be submitted will then be forwarded to local sub-contractors. It was stated that since they have been in business for some 50 years, they do know many of the sub-contractors however there are always new ones.

In reply to a question, it was stated that after the town has voted in the affirmative to go ahead with the project, it could possibly take eight weeks to get the complete set of drawings from the Architectural Firm, possibly three months prior to putting the shovel in the ground. Breaking ground in warmer weather would be less expensive to the town as well.

Mr. Holmes read from their Construction Management Proposal the following Construction Management Services Prior to Town Meeting.

A list of some of the Construction Management Contracts North Branch Construction has been in include but not limited to: New London Inn, Newbury Center Meeting House, Kearsarge Elementary School, 4 locations within the district. Ledyard Bank in New London, a number of houses on LakeSunapee, McDonald’s in Warner.

It was also stated that 80% of their business is repeat business.

It was stated that the town hall does have good bones which is better than a new construction price wise. Most of their work is Construction Management where they work for a fee and every dollar spent is the town’s money and it is their legal and fiduciary responsibility to spend that money as wisely as they possibly can per Ken Holmes.

In reply to a question, North Branch Construction, construction experts will put together with the design expert, Rick Monahon’s office, a display board showing the actual plans and scope of work. It was also stated that this is the committee’s responsibility, but they are there to assist, showing what is being done and why it is being done, as well as the cost of it being done. It was reiterated that they developed what they call a guaranteed maximum.

Relating to Energy savings, insulation will be done over all which will lower electricity used, heating, pellet furnace are all being discussed. The cost over a life of a building constitutes construction cost at 13% and 87% of the cost of a building relates to maintenance and upkeep over its lifetime.

Also including in energy efficiency is reconditioning of windows and doors.

Two very important scopes mentioned were the sprinkler system and lift to restore the use of the upstairs and stage area of the town hall. Also mentioned were the beautiful historical wood trim, the tin ceiling which will be taken down carefully and re installed.

In reply to a question regarding mold, it was stated that there will be a new foundation in the back and there will an air filtration, spray pump system will really help.

Proposals have gone out to several companies per Joe Campbell to survey and test suspect materials and the committee will be advised when ready if any hazardous materials are found.

There will be two meetings, one between the 21st and 25th and between the 25th and 30th, with the final one being the 30th of January.

Ken Holmes and Joe Campbell were thanked by the committee for their coming in tonight with their input.

It was suggested to hang a set of plans in the office near the tax maps.

Subcommittee reports:

Marcia Keller reported for the Finance Committee and advised she has talked with two banks and the interest rate is lower now than it has been or probably will be in the next few years. It was stated that we will receive firm figures when we receive a total amount that is needed.

Beth Rodd advised the Campaign efforts will consist of a long piece from Sasha Wolf in the Intertown Record and Ray Duckler of the Concord Monitor may be able to prepare an article in February.

A DRAFT of the Town Hall Restoration was handed out by Eileen Kelly, Chair for the committee to peruse. In reply to what is to become of the draft when it has been completed, Eileen stated to the Budget Committee for one place as well as the Selectmen. It was also suggested that some of the content could be pulled out into a shorter version for hand-outs.

Michele Halsted advised we need to get Bradford to step up to the plate, and fundraising will happen after the vote. The Grantors are not going to invest in the town of Bradford before the voters, that is a sad lesson after applying for the Grants and being turned down.

Once we get the vote, we can apply for many of the Grants. Michele advised that Beth Downes has come up with a great idea of establishing a neighborhood captain for the outreach program, going door to door. A map of streets was passed around with a current voter list voters for people to sign up. Also discussed was the baby sitting service made available at town meeting.

David Halsted read the finances of the Cornerstone account, which is now fully dedicated to Town Hall Restoration.

Pledge signed documents are necessary and people who took the responsibility of signing up people initially need to contact those people to sign the new form.

Michele Halsted advised she has received an Op-ed from Tim Rodd.

Monday, January 28, 2013 the Selectmen meet at 5:30pm

Wednesday, January 30, 2013 the Budget Committee meets at 6:30pm

Saturday, February 23 is the suggested Forum date from 10:00am to 12:00 noon, with a snow date of March 2, 2013.

Next meeting of the Town Hall Restoration Committee is:

Thursday, Jan 24, 2013 at 7:30pm.

Meeting adjourned 8:40pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
